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Problem with configuration of 'MySQL Connector/C' in PhpEd

Joined: 07 Oct 2012
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Hi all,

I added a database to PhpEd's accounts and want to access it using libmysql.dll I did install the latest version of MySQL Connector/C (ver 6.0.2 32bit) and I added the path to libmysql.dll into PhpEd's setting. (also added paths for libmysqlD.dll and oci.dll)

Now I tried again but it seems PhpEd doesn't recognize the changes and it gives me the same error message box to install MySQL connector/C and add the path to external tools again.

I tried both with local databases and remote databases. both same error....

I have attached some screenshots to this post also:

Also, when I set the driver to embedded I get the following error:

Any ideas what can be wrong?
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It's my understanding that embedded is libmysqld.dll
and you configured phped to load it from xampp directory. Perhaps this dll misses the files listed in the error box. Anyway, it's produced by mysql library and I have very little to help you with such errors.

The PHP IDE team
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Did you ever sort this problem out ?

I just downloaded PhPEd trial - looking for a good editor. There are some terrible ones out there ! My evaluation of NuSphere was doing well but I have the same problem as you. I don't think the reply you got was very helpful.

mySQL is working fine on my machine. My current php editor (Netbeans - FREE !) connects to mySQL no problem. My local web server (Apache 2) connects OK. And I can get to it via CLI.

Looks like I need to continue my search for a good editor

Keith Taylor
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Newer PhpED has a setting (Tools > External tools) to point to the MySQL library, but I still do it the old way and *copy* the libmysql.dll from the MySQL installation directory into the PhpED installation directory.

The dll supplied with PhpED is around 228KB and the one from MySQL will probably be over 2MB. Seems to work just fine and the PhpED installer does not overwrite that file when I install PhpED updates.

I also find the dll from my Windows MySQL allows connections to Linux MySQL.

I just noticed in Saeid's image that he has used libmysql.lib for the libmysql.dll file. As far as I am aware, the lib files that come with MySQL are not renamed dll files; you do need the dll. I copied C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\libmySQL.dll to PhpED and that dll still allows connection to later versions of MySQL.

If you want a good PHP debugger then it is worth sticking with PhpED. Smile
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Thanks for that. The one thing I did not try was actually copying the DLL into the NuSphere install folder. That's horrible - having to have multiple copies of the same dll. ( Remember DLL HELL in earlier versions of Windows ?) The version I tried had the setting you mentioned (Tools->External Tools) and the NuSphere installer had already filled it in correctly - it was already pointing to the dll in the mySQL folder. The mySQL installer puts mySQL in the windows path variable too, so I can't understand why PHPEd cannot find it - if that is in fact the problem.

Well I took PHPEd off my machine in the meantime. Maybe I'll give it another go when I'm feeling brave !

The debugger which comes with Netbeans is pretty good as is the documentor.

Thanks again
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I don't have multiple dll's of different versions because I overwrite the NuSphere supplied one Wink

My understanding is that newer MySQL licensing does not allow separate distribution of libmysql.dll but NuSphere are able to distribute an older version from before that licensing change. I get the impression that older version is useless, so other that it being a 'placeholder' I'm not sure why it is there.

Try leaving the PhpED settings as they are and copy the newer dll over that old one.

Most if not all of the other IDE's use xdebug as the PHP debugger. NuSphere has there own DBG and that has a number of features that are significantly better than xdebug, such as being able to set execution to specific statements and repeating sections of code whilst testing.
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Joined: 02 Feb 2013
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Oracle now have an installer for this DLL. The NuSphere error dialog points you at it when it cannot connect to mySQL. It ends up in a folder off the main mySQL installation. The licence forbids you to copy it or use it on its' own or as part of a distribution in another app. Everything else I use which needs mySQL is happy to use it where Oracle install it.

Ah well - computing still maintains its' mysteries, even in the 21st Century
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a fix that worked for me...

Joined: 09 Aug 2006
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downloaded the c mysql connector from mysql (Mysql Connect C 6.0.2) - and pointed BOTH the path settings in external tools to the relevant DLLs in c:\program files(x86)\mysql\mysql connector c 6.0.2\lib\opt\libmysql.dll and libmysqld.dll and it works for me...
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Thanks for that Mike. Looks like I've missed something. I'll download another copy of phpEd , re-install and have another go. Watch this space. Bit busy now (Got a website to finish) but some when soon this week
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Joined: 02 Feb 2013
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Got problems ! Although I took phpEd off my machine after only two days, it won't let me install and run it again for another attempt to get the DB connection working. "Trial period expired" it says.

Ahagghhh !
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Joined: 02 Feb 2013
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Re-installed and got the DB working, as you suggested. All working fine now & having a great time with this editor. It's very good
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Problem with configuration of 'MySQL Connector/C' in PhpEd
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