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Joined: 23 Jan 2006
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I have been evaluating PhpEd and I am pleased with it. However, I have some questions (excuse me if they already exist)...

1. I see references to a plugin system. Can you describe exactly what is possible with it, such as adding new menu items, accessing the source text buffer, adding commands that can be assigned to keystrokes, etc?

2. Do you plan on making the editor fully scriptable?

3. Many editors have the ability to do a 'Find Declaration' for a symbol by holding down Ctrl, which causes any known symbol under the cursor to show as underlined, and clicking the symbol takes you to its declaration. Do you intended to add this sort of feature, which I find convenient?

4. There does not seem to be a way to syntax colour javascript code inside html/php files. While the View->HTML command allows you to highlight either the HTML or PHP, there is not something similar to highlight the JS. Will this be added? Alternatively, many editors show a separate background colour for each script type (javascript, php, etc) in an html/php file, and colour the script according to its syntax.

I look forward to your response.

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1. I see references to a plugin system. Can you describe exactly what is possible with it, such as adding new menu items, accessing the source text buffer, adding commands that can be assigned to keystrokes, etc?

It is not only possible, it's done and some menu items are available due to "Integration" stuff. Take a look at Tools->Settings->Integration. It's where you can add new commands, assign shortcuts etc.

2. Do you plan on making the editor fully scriptable?

Not sure what you mean, but take a look at this post first: howto-use-a-php-script-for-my-editing-t753.html

3. Many editors have the ability to do a 'Find Declaration' for a symbol by holding down Ctrl, which causes any known symbol under the cursor to show as underlined, and clicking the symbol takes you to its declaration. Do you intended to add this sort of feature, which I find convenient?

At this moment "Find Declaration" is already available on the editor's popup menu.

4. There does not seem to be a way to syntax colour javascript code inside html/php files. While the View->HTML command allows you to highlight either the HTML or PHP, there is not something similar to highlight the JS. Will this be added? Alternatively, many editors show a separate background colour for each script type (javascript, php, etc) in an html/php file, and colour the script according to its syntax.

Version 4 does not support syntax coloring for javascript inside HTML. Anyway, you can assign different background for this syntax block as it is recognized by HTML highlighter:
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Joined: 23 Jan 2006
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Thanks for the reply.

2. I was meaning the implementation of a macro scripting language that is found in many editors (CodeWright, SlickEdit, etc), much like VB for applications in Word, etc. This allows the user to add functionality to the editor.

In addition to this a keystroke macro system would be good for carrying out repetitive tasks.

3. I find using the key combo is quicker and easier than using context menus.

4. However, there doesn't seem to be a similar thing for PHP mode, which would be helpful. Is syntax colouring of javascript inside html likely to be added in the future?
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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2. I was meaning the implementation of a macro scripting language that is found in many editors (CodeWright, SlickEdit, etc), much like VB for applications in Word, etc. This allows the user to add functionality to the editor

while such scripting as you asked about is not supported, you have quite good control over the editor. Don't miss "auto correction" and "code templates" features, and finally scripting with php as described in this post: howto-use-a-php-script-for-my-editing-t753.html

3. I find using the key combo is quicker and easier than using context menus.

Hmm, why not to add shortcut then? See Tools->Settings->IDE Shortcuts, locate "Search" group and assign shortcut for Find Declaration command.

4. However, there doesn't seem to be a similar thing for PHP mode, which would be helpful. Is syntax colouring of javascript inside html likely to be added in the future?

Isn't Javascript can be embedded into HTML only? So when you work with PHP part, HTML part can be highlighted with different background. If you move cursor to HTML you may switch to HTML mode (F12) or have it switched automatically (See Tools->Settings->IDE settings, auto-switch php-html checkbox). In this mode all HTML highlighter settings will be applied including JavaScript background color in particular.
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