It would be a good feature if arrays/objects that were shown in debug windows could be optionally "pinned open" so that even when they leave scope and return back to the original scope, they remain opened still.
Currently if an array/object is [+] expanded, and the variable is removed from the local scope, the arrays close on their own, even if we have expanded them prior to such an occasion.
I understand that perhaps the way the debug window works is by receiving information from the dbg debugger, but I hope that you have some layer inbetween where you could add such a function to phped.
It is a great feature to be able to see these arrays/objects, but it quickly becomes very monotonous as we are constantly forced to re-expand [+] the array open -- especially so when a loop is running and each iteration forces the [+]'ed array/object to close!
Please tell me you can do something about this for future versions