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phpinfo() doesn't show DBG

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Hi people,

I installed DBG 2.11.23 on my Win2k system and adjusted php.ini to load the php_dbg extension (PHP version is 4.2.3). First I got the "unable to load..." messages, but these were due to a bad extension_dir path.
So now I can start my Apache2 server without error messages, which makes me assume that the module got loaded correctly. Nevertheless, phpinfo() does _not_ give any DBG section or anything dbg-related.

Does anyone know what could be the problem? I realise this might be quite vague, but I haven't really got a clue on what might be wrong... I already searched the sourceforge forum, but haven't found anything useful yet.

Thanks for any advice,
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Run phpinfo and make sure that you edited the same php.ini file as listed in the phpinfo() topmost header.
Then make sure that there is extension=php_dbg.dll-4.2.3
in your php.ini file and it's written correctly (somebody are known to type extention instead of extension)
Then make sure that [debugger] section is below extension loading line, while extension line itself is below the extension_dir line. Order of lines is important in php.ini.
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I fanatically denied the possibility of me making an extension_dir path error, but I did. Everything you mention was in order, but my extension_dir path was specified as this:

extension_dir = C:/Progra~1/PHP/extensions/

I put in the "Progra~1" because I thought PHP might complain/misbehave at the space in "Program Files". However, PHP misinterprets this and extension_dir ends up to be "C:\Progra" and nothing more. Changing it to

extension_dir = C:/Program Files/PHP/extensions/

solved my problem.

Anyway, thanks for the moral support Smile

phpinfo() doesn't show DBG
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