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PhpEd4- Why the default encoding charset is UTF-16LE?

Joined: 07 Oct 2005
Posts: 6
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I used PhpEd v4.0.33 trial, found a problem as follows:

In Tools/Settings/IDE, I set UTF-8 as default, but when I open a utf-8 source php file,
it always shows "cannot transfer from UTF-8 to UTF-16LE".

My OS is asian windows 2003 entprise edition.
If my windows has not support UTF-8 charset for rendering,
why UltraEdit can open uft-8 source file so easy??

Why can PhpEd editor NOT to support utf-8 encoding as UltraEdit?
Even I use "File/Open" menu to open an utf-8 file,
choose UTF-8, and open a utf-8 file,
it still shows "cannot transfer from UTF-8 to UTF-16LE". @@"

Now, utf-8 encoding source php files are so common when developing a web project.
If PhpEd cannot open utf-8 source file as UltraEdit methods, why we need to choose PhpEd?

Just a question in my heart, thanks for your answer later.

ps. Why PhpEd-4 not support hot-key to "comment/uncomment" source code?!
It's so strange..
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I'd say more if you send me your UTF-8 file.

If your file is true utf-8 file, there should be no problem. PHPED does support utf-8 encoding as well as manu others.
It just warns you if there is problem with some characters which can not be represented in source encoding. For example if your file contains any wrongly encoded character PHPED will warn you about it. It will not silently convert such characters to bogus values like some other editors.
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From the conversation took place aside of this forum it became clear that the problem described above was with (c) symbol which was encoded as 0xA9 (win1252 or alike) and utf-8 convertor has nothing to do with it as it's wrong utf8 sequence.
In utf-8 it should be encoded as 0xC2, 0xA9.
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PhpEd4- Why the default encoding charset is UTF-16LE?
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