Joined: 07 Oct 2005 |
Posts: 6 |
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:24 am |
I used PhpEd v4.0.33 trial, found a problem as follows:
In Tools/Settings/IDE, I set UTF-8 as default, but when I open a utf-8 source php file,
it always shows "cannot transfer from UTF-8 to UTF-16LE".
My OS is asian windows 2003 entprise edition.
If my windows has not support UTF-8 charset for rendering,
why UltraEdit can open uft-8 source file so easy??
Why can PhpEd editor NOT to support utf-8 encoding as UltraEdit?
Even I use "File/Open" menu to open an utf-8 file,
choose UTF-8, and open a utf-8 file,
it still shows "cannot transfer from UTF-8 to UTF-16LE". @@"
Now, utf-8 encoding source php files are so common when developing a web project.
If PhpEd cannot open utf-8 source file as UltraEdit methods, why we need to choose PhpEd?
Just a question in my heart, thanks for your answer later.
ps. Why PhpEd-4 not support hot-key to "comment/uncomment" source code?!
It's so strange..