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PhpEd4 style like Borland IDE?

Joined: 07 Oct 2005
Posts: 6
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I found all debug IDE environment in PhpEd4 like Borland IDE, even the shortcut key definitions.
It's good to use...

But Borland IDE have a stupid point for the lack of 'comment/uncomment' shorcut key,
why PhpEd4 learn its?

It is just so easy to implement, just select block, add "//" or remove "//" in the begining of line.
I am so shocked for the lack. It's a so useful and common function.
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It's a so useful and common function

We did not get such inquiries before. So it does not look that "common" and "useful" Smile
anyway, I agree it's not that hard to implement and make one-two customers more happy Smile
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Joined: 07 Oct 2005
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As a programmer, debuging is an important and required to do.
It's very common for commenting doubtful source codes to test, right?

Microsoft visual studio .net or Borland JBuilder 2005 have supported the hot-key,
but not old Borland C++ Builder 6.0 (2002 published).

Phped 4 is an advanced editor, I think it need to support it. Very Happy
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Joined: 03 Apr 2004
Posts: 78
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ddmitrie wrote:
It's a so useful and common function

We did not get such inquiries before. So it does not look that "common" and "useful" Smile
anyway, I agree it's not that hard to implement and make one-two customers more happy Smile

I'd like this feature alot.
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PhpEd4 style like Borland IDE?
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