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phpED workspace vs. Homesite project tab

Joined: 13 Feb 2004
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I'm using Macromedia Homesite for over 3 years now and I'm currently looking forward to switch to PhpED. Just a few things I'm still worried about (and I will definitely not be able to work without them):

- PhpED's workspace looks nice. But how do I set it up like in Homesite, that the directory structure and files are split into two tabs? I got huge directory structures with mostly not more than 10-20 files per directory, so I'd like to keep my directory structure unfolded and safe some space by only displaying the files of the current directory below.

- is there some full-screen mode? I'm not talking about Alt+F10. I mean a real full-screen mode where stuff like workspace tab and Default/Debug/... toolbar get hidden. If it does not exist, is there a way to hide tabs by keyboard shortcut? (If I need to use my mouse, I better stay with Homesite. Sorry, but this is important for me.)

- Does PhpED support PHP5, I mean, e.g. check for variable scope in intellisense? (ok, I could try this out by myself, but I haven't got time right now, sorry:)

- how do I store my own syntax color layout? (it just got reset when I upgraded from my old trial to 3.3 trial)

- are there any plans for Subversion integration (next to CVS)?

- are there any plans for integration of a code beautifier like Trita or phpCodeBeautifier?

I got tons of other questions, but let's take a break for now. If you find a solution for my problems I must confess that PhpED is simply the best. If not, anyway: well done!

take care

Philip Iezzi, | Downloads | CVS | PPhlogger3
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PhpED's workspace looks nice. But how do I set it up like in Homesite, that the directory structure and files are split into two tabs...

It's possible with explorer tab only, not with workspace.
You can open as many explorer tabs as you want, you can set their mode to Full Tree and Splitted, when dirs are splitted from files.
Hope it's what you meant.

is there some full-screen mode?

Not yet. Full screen mode only make tabs thiner but don't hide them fully.

- Does PhpED support PHP5, I mean

Support for PHP5 will be added after the release.

how do I store my own syntax color layout?...

All previous versions stored them in many *.hl files while 3.3 stores all highliter-related settings in one hl.cfg file.

are there any plans for Subversion integration...

No, we have no such plans at this time but everything may be changed.

are there any plans for integration of a code beautifier like Trita ...

I hope, it's not necessary Smile Chocked ? Smile
With phped 3.3 you can run any 3rd party file processors directly from the IDE. For example, we integrated PHP Documentor using our new feature - extensibility. See customization tab in the settings and you'll see how phped runs CVS, PHP Documentor and so forth.
Hope, Trita can be run too Smile
We played with many beautifiers and validators and everything went smoothly.

I got tons of other questions...

And they are welcome Smile Would be excellent if you split then among "feature request" and "phped supoprt" forums accordingly.
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Joined: 12 Oct 2004
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ddmitrie wrote:

are there any plans for Subversion integration...

No, we have no such plans at this time but everything may be changed.

has somthing changed?
are now any plans to intigrate svn?
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phpED workspace vs. Homesite project tab
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