Thank you plugnplay,
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That issue can happen if the session file is locked by something else, but that doesn't tend to be a PhpED specific issue. When it happens, the lock doesn't appear to timeout.
You mention Samba. Any chance that an antivirus app on Windows is seeing the session file on Linux and locking it? |
I don't think an antivirus app is locking it. How would you recommend testing?
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Whilst probably nothing to do with it, have you checked the Linux server session files directory to see what is in there? Default location on many severs is /var/lib/php/session
I've seen issues with some servers where they stop clearing down the session files and there can be a LOT of files there. |
I only have around 200 sessions in the directory. They are all R/W only by Apache. Many of them are empty. I believe this is caused when PhpED often says something to the effect that there is another session and asks me if I wish to keep showing this message. I often see this message, and don't really know what it means.
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If you set a breakpoint on a statement after the session_start() and then run so that PhpED doesn't step through it, does it get to the breakpoint? |
Never gets passed. I will put a breakpoint just before session_start(), and attempt to single step passed it, but it just stops when it gets there.
Also, note that I have APC installed. Could this be part of the problem? The wizard often gives me a warning about APC, but previously I have had no problems.