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PHPed doesn't seem to contact the server *solved*

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 3
Location: Brussels
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Configuration details:

- Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
- PHPEd version 3.3.3
- The PHP5 binary provided by PHPEd (php-5.0.3-win32.exe)

I've downloaded and installed the above mentionned product and I encounter the following problem:

Arrow I create a new workspace, new project and a new php file.
Arrow When I try to execute it, nothing happens!

When I look to the web server (PHPEd Srv) logging, I notice that no call was made by PHPEd to the server.

If I launch directly my page within a browser at http://my_machine:8080/the_script.php , everything works fine and I can see in the PHPEd_Srv the access logging.

So, it appears that PHPEd doesn't trigger an http request to PHPED Srv. If I try to use the debugger, I've got the following error message:

Failed to start debugger session (timeout)....

Just one last thing:

The script I try to execute only contains this:

echo 'test';

So, it's a very easy one!

Apparently, I've got exactly the same configuration than my colleague and on his machine, everything works fine.

It's quite important since I'm really evaluating the product in order to buy a few licenses for my company in case the product suits our requirements!

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Please contact support AT nusphere DOT com
and provide the following info:
screenshots of IDE, SRV web server and Debugger tabs (see tools->settings)
screenshots of all the project properties tabs
screenshot of error box shown.
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Joined: 18 May 2005
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Location: Brussels
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Ok I'll do that.

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Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 3
Location: Brussels
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Hello All,

With the help of Dmitri, I found out what was my problem.

- Internet explorer settings were prevented me from reaching localhost properly because of my proxy. So, I just checked the checkbox "No proxy for local addresses" and it made it!
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PHPed doesn't seem to contact the server *solved*
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