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PHPED debbugger quits breaking

Joined: 03 Aug 2004
Posts: 1
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Hi, i am currently using the evalutaion version and have run into a very annoying issue that is making me hesitant about buying phped.
Im using it in windows XP with its internal webserver. After some time of use the debbuger stops breakpointing and just executes the php file all the way. Nothing short of uninstalling phped and resinalling it helps.. with a fresh install it again works for a while then quits breakpointing again.
After messing around with it i realized i can keep a copy of phped and overwire the broken one with the copy so i dont have to reinstall, so the problem is obviusly in some config file.
Is there a solution to this?
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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During your work you probably put some weird value into Watches window and it causes the problem. Also check breakpoint conditions if they are of correct syntax in php.
If you still get script not executed in the debugger, just put phpinfo function call, try to start it with debugger and send me a) phpinfo results, b) php.ini file (taken from the location shown in phpinfo) c) screenshots of all tabs in the project properties window d) screenshot of Tools->Settings IDE and Debugger tabs.
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PHPED debbugger quits breaking
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