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PhpED and CVS on Windows

Joined: 15 Sep 2005
Posts: 13
Location: Eugene, OR, USA
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Hello all,

I struggled with learning CVS the past couple of days, and thought I'd share a couple of tips for my fellow CVS noobs. First, don't use the CVS included with PhpED. It just doesn't seem to work well. Don't hold it against NuSphere, I don't think they wrote the CVS executable or anything, but rather provided an interface to it for convenience.

Instead, use TortoiseCVS[0], which works via the context menu (right-click). It's free, btw. Set up a repository using the latest copy of CVSNT (available for Windows/Linux(rpm)/Mac/etc)[1] and checkout a sandbox, as per the Tortoise docs (which you must read), and then create a project in PhpED using the sandbox root directory as the project root dir. The files listed in the workspace window will have the Tortoise icon overlays to show their status. Screenshot:

To access the CVS functions, right-click a file in the PhpED workspace window and mouse down to Shell Menu, and from there you can choose CVS Commit / Update / etc.
- note the difference between the "CVS" option and the "Shell Menu" option which then shows the Tortoise CVS options).

Hope this is useful to someone!

[1] (look at the right-hand column for downloads)
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First, don't use the CVS included with PhpED

Actually, I'd recommend to use either Shell-integrated TortoiseXXX (where XXX is CVS or SVN) or any other Shell-integrated source control system OR CVS executable included with PhpED. Latter one contains some fixes and works with IDE-provided password dialog. Original cvs.exe may hang when it prompts for password.
FYI, patches are submitted back to CVS team, according to their license.
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One or the other...yeah

Joined: 15 Sep 2005
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Location: Eugene, OR, USA
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Yeah, definitely use one xor the other! Smile I'm using 4.0 Build 4033 and it seems like the bundled cvs.exe hangs for all but the simplest projects. I left the bundled one in the screenshot to show the difference between the two, not to suggest using both. For newbies like me, just getting started with using source-control, PhpED + Tortoise works very well indeed. I should point out that some other php IDEs do *not* show the Tortoise icon overlays when browsing files, but PhpED does.
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some other php IDEs do *not* show the Tortoise icon overlays when browsing files, but PhpED does

Yep, PHPED is cool Smile
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here I've found some interesting issues with tortoise and cygwin
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BTW with cvs.exe bundled with PhpED, it would not happen.
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PhpED and CVS on Windows
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