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PhpEd 3.3 dbform wizard

Joined: 14 Feb 2004
Posts: 10
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Hi, i have a question about the dbform wizard.
It seems there is a bug in it.
I am able to make an connection and a logon to a remote mysql database. This works fine with the dbclient.

I have runned the wizzard and i get an form with the fields i wanted so the wizard is capable to extract the table data to a form.

When i run the form i am able to enter data and do a post, here i get an error it seems the script connects to a local sql database.

I can't find a location where the variabeles for host, database, account and password are declared.

Could you explain this to me ??

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If you generated "standalone" script, all the authentication values are in the same file in form like follows:
  $site["dbhost"]   = '';
  $site["dbport"]   = '3306';
  $site["dbname"]   = 'mysql';
  $site["dblogin"]  = 'root';
  $site["dbpass"]   = '';

If you generated a non-standalone script and checked "generate config file", all the authentication values are stored in file and it contains all the values shown above.

If you generated a non-standalone script and didn't check "generate config file", wizard assumes that you already have with all proper values and does not alter them.
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PhpEd 3.3 dbform wizard
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