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PHP version 7

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In my local development environment I have Apache installed with php v7.0.1

Is there a version of the PhpED debugger extension which works with this version of php?
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I don't think a PHP 7 compatible version of NuSphere DBG has been released yet.
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debugger for php 7 will be available with PhpED v17

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Joined: 27 Oct 2014
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dmitri wrote:
debugger for php 7 will be available with PhpED v17

Dmitri, and when will it be released?
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next year probably Evil or Very Mad
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it's in betatesting

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PHP7 probably requires rewriting huge parts of DBG module

Joined: 30 May 2006
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I think with significant internal changes to PHP7 (AST, new features, ..) NuSphere's DBG module requires rewriting significant parts of the codebase.
If PHP7 was developed during 2+ years by 5-10 core developers, it may take few months to rewrite DBG module for PHP7.

They have to:
1 - rewrite all existing code - tens of thousands lines of code,
2 - add support for new features - strict types, code hinting, return types, new operators, ....

So this is the largest change to the module during it's existence.
If there are 2-3 NuSphere C++ developers working on this task, it may take few (at least 3-5, I guess) months to do the job.
So guys, give them some time, right?

Personaly I would expect DBG release date sometime by june 2016, but that's just my estimate ..
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Re: PHP7 probably requires rewriting huge parts of DBG modul

Joined: 06 Nov 2013
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lubosdz wrote:
I think with significant internal changes to PHP7 (AST, new features, ..) NuSphere's DBG module requires rewriting significant parts of the codebase.
If PHP7 was developed during 2+ years by 5-10 core developers, it may take few months to rewrite DBG module for PHP7.

They have to:
1 - rewrite all existing code - tens of thousands lines of code,
2 - add support for new features - strict types, code hinting, return types, new operators, ....

So this is the largest change to the module during it's existence.
If there are 2-3 NuSphere C++ developers working on this task, it may take few (at least 3-5, I guess) months to do the job.
So guys, give them some time, right?

Personaly I would expect DBG release date sometime by june 2016, but that's just my estimate ..

that is simply bullshit. is available way before php 7. All rfc were put on hold in april ( i am not 100% sure, but i think it was April or so ) so there was only testing after that. 0 new functionality. So this stuff that you explain that has to be redone - i agree its tons of work, but this work should have started 1 year and a half ago. This ide has 1 job - to support php. And it will be the biggest joke ever if v17 comes with the "amazing new feature" php7 support ( if ever )
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@Dmitri - anything to say?

Joined: 30 May 2006
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Hey guys,

I am not defending here NuSphere here - I am also frustrated from poor work progress, I wrote only explanation what's probably going on behind scene, since nobody from nusphere gives any feedback.

Regarding alternatives - I only know PhpStorm - but it uses XDebug server module, which is significantly worse debugging alternative than NuSpehere's DBG module.

The new PHPDBG module by Joe Watkins, which seems to be much faster than XDebug is not generally accepted by PHP IDE vendors due to issues with specific XML protocol (discussed on PHPStorm forum) - so again no alternative.

Licence price at both PHPStorm & NuSphere are cca the same.
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Joined: 06 Nov 2013
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the frames in phpstorm are slower, i mean when i first start it - there is a significant difference of how both ide feels ( fps like in gaming, in nusphere is just feels smoother ). I needed a day in phpstorm until i figure out how to setup my bloody remote accounts. And half of day to fix the customization.

Now those are the pluses of the nusphere, however the storm has about 11 000 small improvements that nusphere will simply never catch up. - the colors in the bar of the css colors, the fact that each and every single fking thing you can pick font size, background color, text color etc.. git integration is quite fancy, the db tool is actually usable ( in nusphere i like the fact that there is one, but OMG! every freaking time i accidentally click it i feel like I am back in 90's listening to Los Del Rio's Macarena ), terminal stuff i think nuspher's one is better, storm uses the native one, whcih in older versions of windows is pretty crappy.

I almost forgot, nu sphere's scrollbar extras are usable ( variable occurrences, errors .. etc ), in storm i guess i am too stupid but i still cant understand it.

if you have a project with 10 gazilion files nu sphere has always been unusable for me, i am forced to ignore some files etc... ( its an old crappy project i agree ), but never the less storm does handle it nice and properly - which is very strange.
However... sometimes storm does hand up for few secs for no aperant reason... its like ... i dont know it works super fast, you open another file and you see it struggeling and you want to punch the monitor. ( luckily its only few secs and rarely ) ( and yes i am using ssd hard drive )

some bower, composer integration that i never tried, i am an unix/terminal guy, so i prefer the terminal command line. Which reminds me, I dont have to cook wine under unix to make the storm working.

Somer other pluses of the storm:

- there are actually usable and proper plugins ( which for me now are super important, i have some language syntaxes which none IDE does support them, but the creators have created a plugin for the storm )
- beta releases are available to download at anytime ( which i really like )
- support does exists, noone ever fix what you cry about, but at least someone is lying to you.

and phpstorm is much more expensive i think, they changed their plans and sh!t but I defiantly spend a lot just to try it.

p.s. i use my debugger 10 times per year, i find var_dump/print_r die debuging much faster 99% of the time. There is a new "1 click debug" sh!t but my advice is not to trust the idea of 1 click, it did took me some time Very Happy. Wizzards in nusphere are very important to me.
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You could always apply to be a beta tester and possibly start using PhpED v17 straight away.

The NuSphere debugger is probably PhpED's best asset. There really is no doubt that it is better than Xdebug. I use both regularly (every day) and Xdebug can be a pain. Some of the issues are Xdebug, some are possibly how it is implemented with PhpStorm. I have never found the NuSphere debugger to interfere with running code (at least not without forgotten watches), but I do find Xdebug can interfere with code just by using the various inspection panels.

If you rarely use a debugger then maybe you simply don't need PhpED and PhpStorm is best for you.

I use both PhpED and PhpStorm, sometimes even switching between them on the same projects to get the specific benefits of each. Both Xdebug and NuSphere DBG are installed on the server together, but if I want to do some debugging, I prefer to use PhpED.

I'm a *nix/terminal guy as well. I don't use the terminals from either product, I use Bitvise SSH Client. The 2015 release had a vastly improved terminal which is great.

Agree on getting started with PhpStorm; damn confusing getting my first debug going. Was much easier with PhpED.
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PHP7 DBG is out!

Joined: 30 May 2006
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Hey guys, just to inform you - DBG PHP 7 support is out since yesterday (build 17015).
I already purchased a licence & fixed some stuff on PHP 7.0.5 - debug session works great again!
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PHP version 7
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