Trouble with dbg under Linux (RedHat) :
I try to use 3rd Party Web Server but the pb is that I have install the more recent dbg for linux available : dbg-2.11.26-src.tar.gz
And all PhpEd IDE that I have downloaded need a more recent DBG.
With Linux version I get the message :
"Wrong version (2.11) of debugger listener detected.
Listener version of 2.14 is needed to start debug session"

Is there a 2.14 version for Linux somewhere ??
With Windows version "time out error"probably because of the same difference of version...

Is it possible to get an older version of PHPEd so that I can use dbg 2.11.26 for linux ? my server has absolutly to be under Linux...
I'm in evaluation period but really need to see if PHPEd can fit my needs.