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OpenBSD and DBG

Joined: 29 Oct 2004
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my workstation is XP Pro and server is running OpenBSD 3.5 with PHP 4.3.5

I was able to compile and use DBG 2.11.30 with PHPEdit IDE ... unfortunately I don't reeally like this enviroment and would like to test out PhpED as an alternative. however I can't make PhpED to work with 2.11.30

if I use 2.11 listener PhpED complains about requiring 2.16

if I run 2.16 listener with 2.11 module on the server I get


Failed to start debug session

client host address [;d=0,p=1] lookup failed

I tryed to run precompiled FreeBSD module on the server ... it crashed the server

/usr/sbin/httpd:/var/www/lib/php/modules/ undefined symbol '__inet_aton' lazy binding failed!

i will research this little more since OpenBSD supposed to be binary compatible with FBSD and I may not have it properly configured.

Is there a way to make PhpED to work with 2.11 module?
Is the source available for 2.16 module if you purchase PhpED if not can DBG 2.16 purchased separetely with source code?
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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if OBSD is compatibel with FBSD, you may try FBSD modules located in phped/debugger/server subdirectory. Look for *Free*.tar.gz

Regarding dbg versions 2.11 vs 2.16 they are not compatible at the protocol binary level anyway.
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OpenBSD and DBG
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