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Open File at cursor

Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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Hi, bought your professional version, truly great tool, especially the debugger. Among all the cool features that are already integrated, I was wondering why the right click/open file at cursor feature available in Zend Studio and even Dreamweaver is missing. You application beats both of those tools in many ways, the only real time killer is having to open the files, especially include files, by looking for them in the workplace directory instead of just placing the cursor on the include path, right clicking and selectiong open. Is there some particularly difficult about programming/including this feature in PHPEd or will it be available in one of the upgrades during the next 12 months? Would be great to have it and you your application would be on the same level with other PHP tools that have this feature available in addition to fabously outperforming competitor products on several ends (the debugger really rocks and is one of the few that works right on first time installation, I was truly impressed!). Found a few posts mentioning this feature request already 6 months ago, but no replies as to whether or not or when such a feature would become available; if a rough date is known or if it is known that this feature cannot easily be implemented a short note as a reply would be great to have in case it is not too much trouble.
Tnaks again for all the great work you have already done for this product, truly a giant time saver in many respects already!
phpquery Very Happy
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Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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you guys are incredible, I wrote the lines done there less than three weeks ago and that feature is already "in place" when I looked whether a newer update had been released and found at out that TWO had in fact been realized over the summer. Fantastsic! This simple click and open feature is a huge time saver that others in Forum had been suggesing as well, so I think you made a bunch of people very happy by your hard and efficient work, not just me.
Slowly it will get harder an harder to come up with meaningful suggestuions for further improvements as the tool is advancing faster then one can think of new "nice to have" features. The unbeatable core feature is the 100% hassle free debugger in my eyes, you rule the market with that one and since SO much time is saved you should deserve the "PHP nobel price" of the year for making that one work so smoothly and instanteniously.
There are some good suggestions in the Forum that I had been thinking of as well during the past two weeks (not even dreaming about getting my "file open at curser function" implemented by the end of this year, let alone this month...):
1. The cold folding option certainly sounds tempting, as it does make nesting errors a lot easier to spot, gets rid of waistful "boring" time tracking down missing closing tags and opens up free time for the fun parts (should not be absolutely difficult to come up with, even simple freeware tools like "Programmers Notepad" have it, perhaps its even open source and easy to integrate form one of those sources.

2. The code Diff viewer would be nice to have indeed, I suspect that can`t be all that difficult to implement as even somewhat advanced freeware text editors like Context offer that feature seemingly effortlessly. Perhaps the easiest would be to integrate Turtoise subversion after all in the IDE, as SVN comes with a built in diff tool that is quite userfriendly (and can be hooked up with viewers like Winmerge etc.). If you solve code Diff by integrating Subversion, you would nail too of the main forum requests I keep on reading about when I visit your site.

3. Tidy HTML crashes every time I call that function, PolyStyle works, but comes with a purchase nag screen. Is that on purpose or did I simply miss to enter my license code somehwere appropriately (also wonderíng because of this since a click on the CSE validator Options inorms me that I need to buy the professional version to have access to the config tools (perhaps they mean THEIR CSE professional license not nuspheres integrated CSE light freewaren version; I DO own the newsphere licesens, of course, and I am sure glad that I bought it, beliebe me, for this great work and support I´d be willing to pay you anytime for your product).

4. Code/Design View: The only time I really switch back to dreamweaver & company is when I need to quickly wirte HTML code, copy paste option, select, input fields and check tag errors; without envy one has to addmitt that Macromedia DID a lot of work on autocorrection and intelligent tag closing mechanisms even within complex php pages). That`s just about the only time when I leave phpEd shortly while working in copy/paste chuncks in "Design mode" to get back to the coding part as quickly as possible (also because of the benefit of their design view, where you can change text on the fly while looking at the result in browser unfold; I think its great that you offer HTML and Source in your output window in phpED, but as one cannot edit the source there, it`s just too tepting to go to "dual view" editors in those cases); but I guess you shoulnd`t waist your time on making HTML coding more efficient, in my view phpEd is the best tool available by far for php, nothing else comes close, can`t understand why people are still buying Zend with an awfully difficult debugger to handle (and I can`t really undertstand Zend either why they don`t fix their problems; anyway YOU guys are showing them what can be done in short time periode, Sure glad I subscribed to the one year upgrade version who knows with what ingenious features you will come up with over the next 11 months and I will be sticking around paying for upgrade extensions a lot longer with this tool if the develepments are done as professional and quickly as they are being handled now.

5, Don`t know if this makes any sense, I'll just mention it; yes something like a hex color picker would be nice to have, but one can get those quite easily for freea and use them all over the desktop; a Javascript debugger would be even nicer, Firefox offers powerfull tools, but the less one has to switch around between application, the more attractive the IDE becomes; so if something like a Javascript debugger from one of the open source version is easily integratable, that might be a nice feature to have, doens`t have anything to with php, of course, try to avoid JS as much as I can, but on the few occassions where it is needed, it would be cool to have it onboard if it`s easily integrated. But you are almost spoiling as unway with movable tabs, watch window clones, floating windows, something not even a 1000 USD DW8 has (they did manage to get movable tabs into their DW8 FINALLY, you guys had it right from the beginning and that`s very handy to have.

One final question: Have you ever thought/worked/planned or produced something equivalent to ZENDs source guard code encryption??? Coming to like and trust your tool more and more every day, I would be more and more interested in checking out encryption tools if you ever built any or plan on doing so. I guess the best and srtongest encrypter on the market is Zend`s right now, and integrating that with their IDE was certainly a smart marketing move (I almost fell for it...). But seeing your phpED now, I think you have the potential to beat them even there and gain a greater market share as a security suite is the only major chuck missing from making this a well rounded full featured "premiere league" player. I will certainly spread the word about phpED among my colleagues!

So all the best and thanks a lot for the great work that you are doing!!!
Kind regards,

PS: I get about 2-3 total phpED crashes a day when working the whole day on code intensively with the debugger. Is that normal? No problem for me, as all the files are restored on reopening the application and nothing is lost; takes 15 seconds and everything is back on track, a reboot is rewquired perhaps if I can`t keep my fingers away form coding for 50 hours non-stop or so, but by that time its`s time to go to bed anyway (speaking of which, it`s 5a.m. here, so I should finish...) I was just wondering whether crashing issues are known wide spread issues on WinXP64 professional OS (running on Intel Pentium D 3,4 Ghz machines (on high end Intel boards, 4GB DDR-II RAM, 1 TB sorage on Raid 0); if it`s a known problem with Windows, I might try downloading your Linux version that runs perhaps a bit stabler on a server platforms than on "newish" Windows x64 machine (got a dual core Pentium Xeon 3,2 Ghz server and a quad core AMD Opetron running very stable on Fedora 5, would perhaps be an even more effiecient platform; will try it out when I have time. But please blieve me: these are no complaints just questions/observations! Your tool simply rocks! Congratulations. Razz
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Thanks for all the dithyrambes regarding PhpED. That's always great to see customers who are satisfied and it's what driving us develop the next Everests.

Yes, we thought of many things you mentioned but I'd refrain from commenting over our future plans at least until we enter the beta-testing phase for corresponding feature(s) Smile

Regarding problems you mentioned (it's what maybe more important right now):
-Tidy library is replaced somewhere between builds 4614 and 4617. Please make sure you're on 4617 and Tidy works (or not) for you.
-2-3 crashes a day is extremely too much. We got many feedbacks saying IDE works for weeks without any glitches. Please do not hesitate to submit RIPs when prompted and add appropriate comments. We do read them and do investigate every and each submitted report.
BTW, is that your report with path to c:\program files (x86)\ in? Indeed it looks like valid path for xp64 platform. I'm not sure what's wrong in thas case. The problem looks like flooding window message handler by OS. It never happened under 32bit versions and it makes me thinking that problem might be out of the IDE itself. If btw OS prompts for sending data to Microsoft, please do it. They handle such reports quite good. For example, a year ago I submitted them 3-5 crash-reports produced (as it appared later) by a kernel driver, they pointed me out to that faulting dll and company shipped the driver (Symantec) replaced it shortly.
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Joined: 09 Jul 2006
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Hi thanks,
I didn`t post anything about the (x86) path (I only posted that one request and my ethusiasm over nuspheres rapid reaction response...), but the space in the x86 path HAS been causing troubles with all sorts of applications, so you might have nailed the problem head on and as you suggest that is an OS or even architecture problem in any case. Will try it on a 32bit virtual machine and see if the 2-3 daily crashes stop there, if they do it`s a 64 problem; won`t have time to test 32bit Windows anytime soon unfortunately, but once I have done I'll let you know the test results; what I will probably do is try installing a trial version of phpED for Linux under Fedora 5 as I will have to test something there anyway pretty soon and if the crashes stops, then it's definitely an Win OS 64bit problem, if they don`t stop, it might actually have something to do with the overall 64bit architecture and that COULD eventually become a problem, I guess, as 64bit are bound to replace 32bits over the next years; but as mentioned: for me personally, the crashed are no problem at all, since restarting the application is literally a matter of seconds and everything is beautifully restored, I have never lost one line of code so far; if I would have to reboot the machine every time a crash occurs, then it would be a much greater problem, because that takes minutes, not seconds, but that is hardly ever required).

Regarding Beta versions and "work in progress": I fully understand your point, I would do exactly the same if I were in your position, it`s never a good idea to post future development plans in the public, sorry that I asked, I was just wondering if source code encryptions HAD been built sometime by nuspahere already or whether there I should give up any thoughts of Nusphere ever venturing down that encryption alley; in fact, feel free to eliminate that section in my previous post and this section, I definitely don`t want to be the cause of leaking any information on strategic development plans here, I just want to congratulate you on a great product (but I was nevertheless enthused to hear that something might be happening on the source encryption front sometime in the years to come!!! If that happens, you WILL have really everything onboard your IDE that the most established "inustry standard" commercial php editor incumbent on the market have to offer and on top of that you will have all of this integrated into an IDE that works right from the start, is extremely intutitive and offers hassle-free debugging in the most straightforward manner. If you keep on pushing this thing this hard and this fast with this high level of committment, some guys sitting at the development desks of "incumbent" php editors should start getting really nervous soon...
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Open File at cursor
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