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OCI8 issues with phped

Joined: 13 Aug 2004
Posts: 1
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Running version 3.3 of phped and trying to enable OCI support. I keep running into the same issue.

1. enable php_oci8.dll in the config file
2. save file
3. run debuger
4. get first error message saying something to the effect of
"the appliction has falied to sart because OCI.dll was not found Re-installing...
5 get second error message Unknown(): Unable to load dynamicl library 'extensions\php_oci8.dll' - the specified could not be found....

So im sort of at a stand still on running the local version of php with OCI8. I have tired to rename the dll several time to no avail, and I have also done a "clean install" of phped with no deviation from the above pattern.

any help would be apreciated!

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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The problem you mentioned has no relation to phped.
If you want php to have an access to Oracle you have to install Oracle client library first (oracle call interfaces - oci). Then make sure oci.dll is found in the PATH, then add extension=php_oci8.dll to php.ini
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OCI8 issues with phped
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