I've noticed that sometimes when I 'svn diff' my code before checking it in, indentation has been changed locally on lines in files I've opened but not edited, or in lines of files where I've made changes to other lines.
It's not whole files, either. I'll find maybe a few lines in a function near the one I was editing will have indentation changes. Here's an example:
@@ -140,12 +160,12 @@
function db_device_instructions_step_update($step_id, $values)
$step_fields = array(
- 'device_id',
- 'step_number',
- 'step_headline',
- 'step_text',
+ 'device_id',
+ 'step_number',
+ 'step_headline',
+ 'step_text',
- );
+ ); |
I didn't edit that function, but I edited one elsewhere in the file and saved it.
Any idea why this might be happening?