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No contact info, no software delivery, no nothing. *solved*

Joined: 12 Sep 2005
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Purchased the software, they took my money, never delivered the software, no phone number on nusphere web site, the listing in mass. is for a different company, all there is is an answering machine, their sales number (from their mass. number) referrs you to a phone number that has so many messages in the voicemail that it cannot take any more.

Is phped a scam or what? paid for it, cannot seem to get anyone's attention at the company, they seem to be trying to hide by not posting their telephone number...

Getting ready to dispute the charge with my credit card company.. can anyone here tell me if this company is legit? have no problem getting email from their forums, but the email with the product key etc. is nowhere to be found, and neither is a nusphere representative with any sort of answer.

Guess I should have tried to contact the company first to see if they were real.

Flusterd, and underwhelmed with NuSphere support.

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Dear Jonathan,

Your order was marked by the payment processor with additional info and therefore it required addional time for manual processing.
Thanks for your patience and hopefully you have already got the software you purchased.

Purchased the software, they took my money, never delivered the software

Yet it may require up to 24h for manual processing of some orders in case they can't be processed in the normal way.

no phone number on nusphere web site

We don't provide any kind of support by phone. Sorry for this.

listing in mass. is for a different company,

The address listed is of both Progress Sortware and NuSphere Corp.
NuSphere Corp is owned by Progress (NASDAQ: PRGS). You may see this info on their web.

Is phped a scam or what

Please read the rules on what is supposed to appear in the forum and what is not desired.
I understand your feeling, but keep polite manners.
There is no unresolvable problems with NuSphere. Smile

Good luck and happy phping with phped.
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Joined: 12 Oct 2005
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I find it quite humourous that you put a *resolved* next to the subject of this thread...

I am in much the same boat as Jonathan - I assume something has been delayed with my transaction as I purchased PhpEd but have received NO communication whatsoever after the purcahse and no one has responded to my email.

I understand that things like this may happen, but in my mind it is unacceptable not to at least receive some notification to inform me that you received my order and it has been delayed, or whatever the case may be.

I love PhpEd, but NuSphere, your business practices need to be improved!
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I'm sorry for the delay with order you placed in our Nusphere online-store.
Sometimes online transactions require additional checks which are done manually, therefore they take more time for processing.

In particular, you placed your order on 12PM and we accepted it within 14h (2AM), As far as I see it is acceptable performance, taking into account that such situations happen in less than 2% of cases, as of the rests, they are processed in 1-15 seconds.
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Joined: 12 Oct 2005
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ddmitrie, you missed the point of my post.

I understand that delays happen in processing - if special circumstances require an extra day for processing of the transaction that is perfectly fine.

What is NOT fine, however, is that I received no email informing me that my transaction was delayed or approximately how long it would take to resolve the situation. I do appreciate things being resolved quickly and I've been happy with nusphere support otherwise -- but, I do think that an email in the case of a delayed transaction is an important one.

Just trying to provide some constructive feedback so that the situation that jonathanw and I experienced does not happen to others =)

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agreed Smile
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Are these issues still happening. I am very close to spend my own money on purchasing this IDE.

However, I do not want *ANY* issues.


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I had the same reservations, but the ONLY problem I had in purchasing the software last October was that slight delay between purchase and emailed receipt... and since I knew about it, it wasn't a problem. I wish the Nusphere web guys were as good at THEIR job as Dmitri is at building PhpEd!

BTW - I choses PhpED after looking at Zend 4, Zend 5 beta 2, Komodo, EnginSite, and Maguma. PhpED is absolutely superb, and well worth the money I paid for it. And customer support since purchase (when needed) has been excellent.

Best Regards,

= Neil A. Garra
= Author of...
= >Wargaming, A Systematic Approach<
= Mind Tools for Tactical Intelligence
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neilgarra: Thank you. I greatly appreciate the feedback.

I am still in trial mode right now. I am not happy with the object browser under v4.0.1. I.E. it doesn't show just the method and properites for the class that I am on or for one that I selected???

Plus, I have other questions I am awaiting feedback on.


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No problems here.

Joined: 03 Apr 2004
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I have been a registered user of the product since version 3, and have never had a problem. The ONLY time I have ever had an issue was late on friday evening when the software required that activation key mess (be grateful that is no longer needed I certainly am!) and no one was in the office to process my request, so all weekend I had to wait and postpone work because of it.

Other than that, both NuSphere and dmitri himself have provided an excellent product with top notch customer service. I've never seen such a level of dedication or commitment or OPEN-MINDEDNESS from a developer before. He listens and does not patronize or act in a condescending manner, which is RARE.

The product has improved with every build (both minor and major versions) and of course there will always be growing pains, but in MY case, I have not had a single issue with NuSphere or PhpEd product or it's developers or team.

Lastly, I was not asked to post this, I am posting it in defense of the people and the product and to let others know that a few rare occasions should by no means make you feel like you are getting "scammed" because MY own experience has been flawless and first-class on all levels.

Fear not Smile
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Joined: 03 Apr 2004
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neilgarra wrote:

I had the same reservations, but the ONLY problem I had in purchasing the software last October was that slight delay between purchase and emailed receipt... and since I knew about it, it wasn't a problem. I wish the Nusphere web guys were as good at THEIR job as Dmitri is at building PhpEd!

BTW - I choses PhpED after looking at Zend 4, Zend 5 beta 2, Komodo, EnginSite, and Maguma. PhpED is absolutely superb, and well worth the money I paid for it. And customer support since purchase (when needed) has been excellent.

Best Regards,

= Neil A. Garra
= Author of...
= >Wargaming, A Systematic Approach<
= Mind Tools for Tactical Intelligence

Definitely agree. The product is better on many levels than the "official" IDE from zend as well as it's many various competitors, and from the same stance -- I tried them all as well and believe it or not I found Zend's offering to be the _worst_ and most _bloated_ of them all.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2005
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<I found Zend's offering to be the _worst_ and most _bloated_ of them all.>

Agree! However, I think one of their biggest problems is that they insist on using Java, which requires a Java engine, etc. Runs slow, somewhat unpredictable, and very little customization. Cross-platform utility comes at a BIG price!

Plus, their customer support and documentation is awfull. The guy answering the email questions is friendly, but not knowledgeable. The developers are surly and condescending. NOT a good way to build a loyal customer base!

I'm continually amazed at both the customer support provided by Dmitri, and the wealth of features in PhpED.

Best Regards,

Neil A. Garra
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No contact info, no software delivery, no nothing. *solved*
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