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Newbie: Confused about SRV Local vs 3rd Party

Joined: 25 Jul 2006
Posts: 9
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I just bought 4.6.1. I used to own 4.0 and never used it because I found it too confusing. Now I am forced into using PhpED so I gotta' figure it out! I am running Windows XP Pro w/ IIS. I want to do all of my testing on this computer, but will be moving the final code up onto a hosting system...which won't allow any debugging I will be doing all of my debugging, etc. on this local computer.

When I read the "getting started" pages, under "Setting up a local web server" they tell me that SRV local WEB Server is probably the way to go...(?)...but then they tell me to start setting it up using the option HTTP (3rd Party WEB Server). At this point I froze!

So, based upon what I told you above, should I set up "Local SRV" or "3rd Party" or what????


Signed: Very Confused
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PhpED comes with pre-configured web server called "SRV". See its settings on Tools->Settings->SRV web server tab.
It supports PHP4 and PHP5 (if they were not unchecked during PHPED installation) and actual handler depends on file associations, see Tools->settings->File associations. Besides php, it also supports php debugging and comes with pre-installed debugger modules (see extension=php_dbg.dll in php.ini etc).
In other words, SRV works out of box.
The drawback of SRV is its simplicity, it does not support many features available in IIS or Apache (such as virtual hosts).
PhpED works with SRV using file names, not URLs and it may also affect your applications.
I'd recommend to use SRV only for relatively simple projects.

Regarding IIS or Apache, they are referred as 3rd party web servers Smile and are also supported by PhpED but you need to install php and debugger module yourself. Please read this on how to do it:
After debugger installed, you'll have to create project(s) and set its properties. See mappings explained article for further details on how projects works with URLs and remote paths:
In your particular case, IIS works locally and it means that remote path is always the same as local one. For example if you have web root in d:\myiiswebroot\
both project root directory and its remote path should contain d:\myiiswebroot\

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problem with IIS virtual directory and PHPED settings

Joined: 11 Jul 2007
Posts: 3
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I run PhpED on windows 2003 server, iis6.0, php5.2
I configured PHP.INI as suggested in the FAQ

I created a virtual directory in IIS - the path is THE SAME than the path where is stored the project:
c:\program files\nusphere\phped\projects\projet1
The port number is 8787

In PhpED, I configured the project properties:
root dir = ...project1
run mode = http mode 3rd party
root url = http://localhost:8787
remote root dir = ...project1

When I click OK I have the following message:
"can't run ...\project1\file1.php
make sure that remote root directory and root url are correct in the project settings"

Where is/are my error(s) ?
If the field remote root dir is empty: "specify the web server document root directory"
If the filed remote root dir contains C:\inetpub\wwwroot: I have "can't run ...file1.php"

Thank you by advance
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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please make sure that the file you're trying to run with IIS is in the WEB directory tree.
You may want to have your project root directory pointing there.
For further details on how to set project properties, please check this post howto-set-project-mapping-t2135.html

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Newbie: Confused about SRV Local vs 3rd Party
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