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NetBeans thinks PHPEd is another copy of NetBeans (java ide)

Joined: 22 Nov 2004
Posts: 10
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I came across an interesting error while opening NetBeans (the open source ide for java). The error is that it thinks it's already open when phped is open and it asks if you want to open another copy of netbeans. Interesting. Maybe phped is based on the work of netbeans? When looking that the older verion of netbeans and phped they even look very similar... Just thought it was too close not to be the same and if this holds true then doesn't nusphere have to release source code based on the netbeans project which is stated in GPL from netbeans?
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Nothing even close.
PhpED was never based on Java.
Needless to speak about the interface.
You must be messing PhpED with something else.
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NetBeans thinks PHPEd is another copy of NetBeans (java ide)
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