I am trying to nest/embed a supplied xml schema into a WSDL Server I'm busy trying to define.
It looks like this:
... (deleted since I've decided to use PHP 5 SOAP extensions instead)
I tried several things but nothing works. e.g. I tried embedding the addSimpleType function call within the appropriate place of the addComplexType function call.
Here is what I have now.
### AmazonEnvelope
$server->wsdl->start_element($server->wsdl->parser, 'AmazonEnvelope');
'Header' => array('ref' => 'Header'),
'MessageType' => array('name' => 'MessageType'),
'MarketplaceName' => array('ref' => 'MarketplaceName', 'minOccurs' => '0'),
'PurgeAndReplace' => array('name' => 'PurgeAndReplace', 'type' => 'xsd:boolean', 'minOccurs' => '0'),
'EffectiveDate' => array('name' => 'EffectiveDate', 'type' => 'xsd:dateTime', 'minOccurs' => '0'),
'Message' => array('name' => 'Message', 'type' => 'xsd:complexType', 'maxOccurs' => 'unbounded')
$server->wsdl->end_element($server->wsdl->parser, 'AmazonEnvelope');
Is it possible to use nuSOAP for such XML schema definitions as I have? Is it that I have made a simple mistake. Could you advise me as to how to do this please?
Thank you very much.