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MySQL client error after upgrade

Joined: 09 Sep 2003
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When I try to run my script in the debugger I get this error:

mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client at line 4

I'm using Tech Platform, PHPEd 3.3.3, and MySQL 4.1 all on my local Win2K workstation.

I understand that the "client" is the file libmysql.dll. I copied it from the MySQL 4.1 install directory to C:\Program Files\NuSphere\phped and to C:\Program Files\NuSphere\TechPlat\apache\php. But that did not fix the problem.

What is the correct way to upgrade the MySQL client? I looked at the other posts on this topic that I could find, but it was unclear.


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mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication

Php4 scripts may not access to MYSQL 4.x. This pair does not work because of outdated mysql library available for php4. It has no relation to NuSphere products and can't be fixed. Consider upgrade to php5 or downgrading to mysql 3.23.

FYI, this problem has no relation to PhpED IDE. Latter one can work with both MySQL 4.1 and 3.23. The only thing you need in this case is new libmysql.dll.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2003
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Php4 scripts may not access to MYSQL 4.x. ... Consider upgrade to php5 or downgrading to mysql 3.23.

This confuses me. My original post referred to PHP 4 with MySQL 4.1, which didn't work even after I installed a new libmysql.dll.

However, after posting I downgraded to MySQL 4.0.25 and it's working. So it appears that PHP 4 with MySQL 4.0.25 does work.

Also, to repeat my original question, what is the correct way to install the MySQL client? Or to put it differently, did I install the client in the correct way?


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This confuses me. My original post referred to PHP 4 with MySQL 4.1, which didn't work even after I installed a new libmysql.dll

ok. In details whole the picture is per following:
-php4 is available with so called php_mysql extension which is linked into php4ts.dll
-php_mysql extension works with mysql server through libmysql client which is linked into php4ts.dll too or sometimes (depending on the complilation options) is linked with php4ts.dll dinamically, in other words it all works with libmysql.dll.
What all people compile with php4 is libmysql compatible with mysql 3.23 and this will never work with mysql 4.1 (4.0 is the latest supports 3.23 protocol). Replacing libmysql.dll with libmysql compatible with mysql 4.1 will not remedy the problem because latter one has different API and is not BC compatible with 3.23 (thanks to mysql gurus).

There is no good way to make php4 working with mysql 4.1 or higher.

Also, to repeat my original question, what is the correct way to install the MySQL client? Or to put it differently, did I install the client in the correct way

mysql client available with php4 is the only mysql client that works with php4. In other words, you don't need to install any other MySql client. Forget the error message and advertizing the 4.1 upgrade it has suggested. Nothing will help unless you build your very own mysql client based on 4.1 compatible libraries OR upgrade to php5 that is already available with 4.1-compatible libraries.

Feel free to ask questions if there is anything still unclear.

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Joined: 09 Sep 2003
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Thanks for the clarification. I had heard conflicting things about this issue.

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I had heard conflicting things about this issue

I'm not sure what you meant Smile
Actually there is no conflicting things at all. Only compatibility issue caused by the fact that nobody in the Php Group wanted to upgrade mysql extension for php4. They decided to develop a new one mysqli from scratches and they made it of course OO and php5 -compatible only.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2003
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Personally, I would be happy to work with PHP 5, but I want other people to use the program I'm writing, and I don't want to lock anyone out if their Web host doesn't support PHP 5.

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MySQL client error after upgrade
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