I've just come across PhpED about 30 days ago, switched from Zend Studio. I
really love PhpED, purchased the 3 year package just two days ago. Way to go on creating a wicked editor!
Everyone's got a wishlist, here's mine.
#1) Duplicate File When Right Clicking on a File
#1.1) Cut/Copy/Paste of Files
#2) Hyper-Linked Document. With Zend Studio you can Control-Click on a function name, class name, definition and much more and it will take you to its definition. Anything that can be ctrl-clicked shows up as a blue link in the document when you hold control key down. This is an incredibly useful feature I would love to see! I miss it terribly.
#3) Ability to include 'Shell Menu Items' directly on the first level of menu for a file/folder.
#4) Expandable Settings Dialog
#5) Ability to limit which directories/files the CodeExplorer Indexes. I have a number of libraries of others that I use which it is indexing which makes CodeExplorer useless to me because there are hundreds of classes I don't need or want to see.
#6) Ability to colorize Javascript functions and variables
#7) Auto-Pin functionality of Zend Studio. Just like PhpED, Zend Studio has the 'minimized tabs' along the borders, however when clicking on those tabs it opens up and becomes 'auto-pinned' to use PhpED terminology. For example if I have my CodeExplorer closed and I click on it, I'd like it to open and stay there, pinned. If I click on it again it closes becoming 'unpinned'
Lastly, the Find/Replace functionality while very functional and complete, it works very differentely from nearly every other editor I've ever seen. Most editors when you use the replace it lets you see the next match before choosing to replace it. Seems the only way to do it here is to 'Replace All' or step through with F3 and do a Ctrl-Z if it changes one you don't want it to.
Thanks again, I hope some of these features can make it in some day![/i][/u]