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My Requests

Joined: 03 Apr 2004
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I love PHPed. Smile


First, it would be very cool if it was more configurable. For instance, I would like to modify the toolbars. Why can't I? Sad

Second there are no macros? This is unfortunate as alot could be done with a comprehensive macro implementation. I recommend taking a look at jEdit for a good example of..

Third, other options such as making current selected text commented with block comment, or a function/method/property toolbar pulldown that worked on project or file scope (like project manager but in a simple toolbar) so we could bounce around to different parts of our projects would be very nice too (similar to micro$oft IDEs). It would also be cool to have cold folding, and indentation guides as well as separate color definition for showing hidden characters (so we can leave it on all the time and just set the color of hidden chars to be low contrast and not annoy us).

Fourth, hotkeys for showing/hiding docked panels. I wish foremost that there was a user assignable hotkey for showing ONLY codeview, like in macromedia apps it's F4, in adobe apps it's TAB, etc. Would be very very helpful.

Fifth, and lastly, how does one write plugins? I would like to create some plugins or additional toolbars like the HTML wizards and such that come stock with v3.3 of my own. Is this possible? If so, is there an SDK?

I see from browsing the forums that the programmer of PHPed is wise and listens to his users. I think that's fantastic and I am glad I chose PHPed over ZendStudio. (I didn't like zendstudio when i compared it to PHPed for many reasons).

The speed of PHPed is excellent. This is important and perhaps the deciding factor that made me choose PHPed over ZS.

Thanks for listening
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Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. They make great sense.

Yes, we listen to our users and not only Smile.
There is nothing new with our approach. We have to keep balancing among many things, such as stability, new features, releases provided in time etc.
First thing would keep us from doing anything new Smile. Second may bring many unstable "dark corners" and the final one may get both effects (nothing or really few new features and much more instability).

In my point of view, our results are good enough. We keep on adding new features, keep the IDE stable and do the best to release new versions in time Smile. You words just confirmed that.

I know that many many features you may see in a regular editor are not implemented in phped. On the other hand if you are interested in making some efforts over there, we'd have a talk be email. Okay ? Wink
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Need some help

Joined: 03 Apr 2004
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Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. They make great sense.

NP. I love the editor, it's grand.

Although, I am going nuts without an option to toggle the docked windows on and off (I like to work in full editor and bounce back and forth).

ZendStudio 3.5 BETA (yes I know bad blood Very Happy) has this great feature where you hit ESC and it hides all docked windows *zap*. Then you hit SHIFT+ESC and it brings them all back, perfectly just like they were before docking.

This is a huge issue for me so I was wondering if you had determined it to be possible and if it was going to be coming soon?

Thanks I love PHPEd -- and now that I've spent some time using it and reading up about it, i'm convinced it blows zendstudio (even the new beta) out of the water in terms of speed and power.

did you know that zendstudio doesn't even have a 'parameters' for the debugger? haha. That alone is worth the money for phped imo.


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you hit ESC and it hides all docked windows *zap*. Then you hit SHIFT+ESC and it brings them all back, perfectly just like they were before docking

It's known in phped 3.3 as Full Screen... F11 is assigned shortcut (by default). It hides all the docked windows or brings them back if they were hidden.
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It's known in phped 3.3 as Full Screen... F11 is assigned shortcut (by default). It hides all the docked windows or brings them back if they were hidden.

On my build (PHPed v3.3 (3338) Alt-F10 is the shortcut for "full screen" but it doesn't do what you say it does.

When I hit ALT-F10 it does nothing but maximize|restore the windows, the docked windows do not hide, nor do the undocked ones (I just tested it to see if maybe it was because I was docking the stuff -- code explorer, explorer, help, etc).

Am I using an old version? I just bought this not even a month ago. 3.3 3338 is what abou reports.

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I think I understand now.

PHPed keeps track of docked window positions/sizes based on window state (maximized or restored) and adjusts them so you have presets based on each window state correct?

However the feature I'm asking for is one that *toggles* all docked windows off/on regardless of if I have the PHPed window maximized or restored. This is what I was referring to. Obviously I would like alt-f10 to work this way -- toggling the docked windows off with the first press, and pressing again toggling them back.

The full screen thing will work temporarily, but it was pretty counter-intuitive.

If an option says "full-screen" but really just maximizes or restores the programs window, it should be called something else like: Minimize/Maximize, but then windows has that feature built into it on every program already.

Maybe it's my screen resolution. I'm running at 1280x1024, and when I hit the full screen button (from a restored window state) it does attempt to move the docked windows out of the way, but it does not completely hide them from view.

This is the feature I really would like. If you need to know why: I am also a graphic designer, and every single app that I use has the abillity to "get out of my way" and I am used to using the added real estate to clear my mind of all the clutter and focus on the task at hand.

How I worked around it (sorta) for the time being (posted merely for the benefit of other users who dont get PHPed's fullscreen deal):

1. Restore the PHPed window

2. Size it to maximum screen real estate (or however you want your normal editing mode to look)

3. Size/arrange the docked windows however you want

4. Now hit ALT-F10 or full screen or whatever on the toolbar

5. Now size all of the docked windows to their tinyest sizes (I was unable to get them to be anything less than like 24px wide or tall)

6. Now hit ALT-F10 again or press full-screen on toolbar

7. You now have a somewhat bigger area to edit code but also have your docked windows in the regular "restored" window state.

In conclusion/hindsight after writing this: ddmetrie, perhaps if you added some arrow collapsing buttons like in mozilla/macromedia mx04 apps, that would hide all but the little divider line and the collapsing arrow, the existing function would probably be fine. Let me illustrate:

[left_dock] |<| [code_window] |>| [right_dock]

(in diag above brackets=group, pipes=button box, etc.)

when click on |<| hides left_dock all the way down to only fit the dividing bar and |<| button which changes to |>| (to expand it back out). vice versa for the right dock, and bottom docks. This would work if the window size minimums for the docks was set to be the size of the |<| buttons. For some reason there is a restriction on dock sizing (atleast on my setup) that disallows hidding the dock down to the little dividing pane bar (which would also suffice incidentally).

I just don't want to see 1/8th of a docked windows GUI while i'm working in "full screen" it's annoying and distracting.

Anyway, thanks for replying.
Thank you for this feature

Joined: 03 Apr 2004
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I just wanted to close this subject with a heartfelt thanks for adding the feature of hiding and restoring the tabbed windows completely in v3.3.1 (3356) as opposed to the old way, which was quite annoying imo Smile

Thank you. It is very useful.
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My Requests
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