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Logitech answered yes, yes, yes

Ok. Could you please try to check mute button while any other 32bit application has focus, not PhpED?

since other people have reported the same problem

and the other people reported that everything works fine for them. See anno's post.

The PHP IDE team
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Unfortunately, these forums can get a bit combative at times. I think it might be a culture thing.

Anyhow, chilling out and taking a look at it rationally, you'd want to look at the system setup first, rather than trying to solve a problem we don't know exists in one specific area.

My first thought comes to the software that the keyboard is using. Have you always run that keyboard on that system (since it's last format)? If you have run a different keyboard, did it have any software installed, or was there software preinstalled by your system vendor (Dell for example)? In particular 'iTouch.exe' can cause odd issues like this. If you go into task manager and take a look in your processes, is it running?

If not, I'd go through the process list and close down any non-system related ones, giving it a try after each one. You might be able to pinpoint an issue that way.

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I have really tried very hard to see if I could replicate the problem any place else, on any other app to try and narrow the scope of the problem. I have tried multiple 32-bit apps and 64-bit apps. Some the apps that I can tell you that I have tried to replicate the problem on are IE8 x64, IE8 x32, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Adobe Photoshop CS4 64bit, Adobe Flex Builder 3 32bit, MS Visual Studio 2005 32bit, Visual Studio 2008 Lite C# 32bit, Windows Live Mail. I can tell you that all of those I have tested where they have focus and none of them interfere with the media buttons. Im really not trying to make this heated. This is such a minor issue and will in no way deter me from continuing to use PhpED as it is without a doubt the main tool that I use and the best one that have used to date. This is just my observations that I am giving you. I have done reboots and have PhpEd the only app running and it still does the same thing. I have not been able to get anything else at all to replicate the problem.

Stryks, same keyboard has been on here since the system was built, yes. No preinstalled software. I built this myself from scratch. I dont do factory installed systems. Cant trust them. iTouch.exe is not running on my system and there has been no extra keyboard software installed. If it was some outside process running, you would think it would have the same effect on other apps as well, and not single out PhpEd.

Like I said, this is a minor issue. Just something I noticed and thought I would report. Ive gotten used to Alt-Tab->Mute->Alt-Tab when I am working in PhpEd. lol
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Fair call. Just running through the options. The problems I have had in the past with keyboard software is that they run software profiles. So recognized software works as expected, but it depends on the defaults as to how it plays with unrecognized software (unrecognized to the keyboard driver).

Seems like a fairly thorough test. I wonder how it's actually done. Like if the keyboard simulates certain keypresses to change the audio settings. Perhaps the combination is something that phpEd is trying to map?

I don't know ... just thinking aloud.

Will have to leave this to Dmitri to respond.

Good luck anyhow.
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I wrote a quick app to replicate what I am seeing. I am capturing windows messages and looking for WM_APPCOMMAND (0x319) messages, and then not process those messages. All media keys on my keyboard are in fact sending out standard HID protocol messages, nothing special. When the app that I created below has focus, all the media keys are not functional, exactly like happens with PhpEd. I hope this helps to show what I am seeing.

The app is a standard windows form application written in Visual Studio C# 2008 Express. The code below is the pertinent part of the code for the discussion.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Win32;

namespace MediaKeysCapture
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private const int WM_APPCOMMAND = 0x319;
        public Form1()

        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
            if (m.Msg == WM_APPCOMMAND)
                base.WndProc(ref m);
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Found something more out about this issue. It only happens when the focus is on the text editor of PhpEd. If the focus is on anything else, Workspace, Code Navigator, Menu, Toolbar, etc., everything works normally. Strictly when the focus is in the editor.
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Joined: 07 Jun 2007
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I have 3 different model Logitech keyboards, all with multimedia keys, and none of them have such an issue. Very odd.

Including in both 32bit(x86) and 64bit (x64) XP/Vista/Win7 environments.
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I have this exact same issue, I have a Logitech Internet 350 Desktop Keyboard, Win7 Pro x64. I just created global hot keys with my mp3 app (foobar2000) to get around the issue. It's not just you at least.

And thanks for that note about the text editor portion, if I focus on the file list in the project tree, I can use the keyboard just fine.
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LOL Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Do you guys know the saying: sometimes you cant see the forest from the trees.

We are programmers, right. No need to do extensive stuff like writing programs to see what is going on. Just think for a moment.... Wink

Windows made it so, and there is a way to turn it of, kinda....

Why did he made it so? Well think about it. explorer.exe is now not a almighty good(like he was in XP) with all privileges and all is split into objects. It is only logical that the keyboard which is now threated like a separate object by the system gets user permissions.

Arrow IF you use a program with admin privileges then your interface gets admin level and other programs like sound control cant interfere with it. Simple ha? Try it use a normal program like Word or something other which duos not trigger the admin rights on startup and you will be fine bu if you are in a admin app you keyboard gets assighned to it and the lower apps like winamp cant acess the keyboard. Twisted Evil
One solution is run the winapm in admin mode to.... Idea simple ha? And you code monkeys go on and make a 2 page topic about it.... Crying or Very sad Ps: this only shows up in Windows Vista and 7, and in saome wierd cases in Xp
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I'm with Dracos on this one. I too have the same problem, both at work and at home. I'm on Windows 7 x64 at work with a Microsoft keyboard, and Windows 7 x64 at home with a Dynex keyboard. As previously mentioned, the mute button does not work, nor do the volume up / volume down keys when the editor has focus in the software. This can get frustrating after a while because I am constantly listening to music throughout the day when I am working with PhpED. It can be quite the nuisance just to have to switch applications or minimize PhpED just to turn the volume up down or change the track.

Dracos has made a very good assumption on what's happening, and it's my assumption too. The editor appears to be intercepting or blocking these windows messages, and for some reason rendering the keystroke void. Not a deal breaker for me, PhpED is hands down the best PHP IDE I've used; it's just a minor annoyance. Keep up the good work guys (and hope to see this problem at least looked into with the software/editor - I feel the blame is being placed in the wrong spot).
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I have a Logitech G19 and that works fine in PhpED. Prior to that I had a Dell multimedia keyboard and that also worked fine. I use the controls a lot because I often listen to the radio whilst programming and mute if I get a phone call Very Happy

Just checked and I don't have any of the Logitech keyboard drivers loaded. Windows is managing the multi-media controls.

I also have UAC turned off because it annoys the hell out of me for development work. Not sure if that helps in relation to Sangoku's comment about admin being somethng to do with it.
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Plugnplay, what version/bitness of Windows are you using if you don't mind me asking? I don't have any special drivers installed on either of my machines either, just the default Windows plugnplay (pun intended) doing the dirty work. UAC is also turned off (can't stand it).
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Mute Button on Keyboard
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