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Multiple PhpED versions on same machine (5.6 and 5.8) on Win

Joined: 03 Jul 2009
Posts: 2
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Greetings, I am a user of the Professional Nusphere phpED version, and I recently upgraded to versione 5.8 just to find out that one of the customers I develop for (on-site) still has the 5.6 version installed on their server, and they are not planning (for the moment) an upgrade to the 5.8.

Then I tried to install on my Windows XP machine the 5.6 version of phpED, using a different folder as setup (c:\program files\nusphere56 instead of the standard c:\program files\nusphere ) and the it was fine (no errors during setup). I can also start the 5.8 versions, but then it displays the error that the Debugger Listener currently installed is the 5.6 instead of the 5.8 (and it suggests to reinstall nusphere).

Is there a way to setup two different versions of the debugger on the same machine, or to easily switch from a debugger listener version to the other?

I searched the forums trying to find a " multiple versions" issue like the one I have, but didn't find anything interesting.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Yes, you can easily switch between two version.
Just run register.bat in debugger subdirectory of corresponding phped installation before switching to it.
NOTE: you have to run it as a user that has Administrator privileges. You may want to Ctrl-RightClick in Windows Explorer to invoke the popup with Run As Adimistrator option.

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Joined: 03 Jul 2009
Posts: 2
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Thank you, I'll definitely do as you suggested!

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Multiple PhpED versions on same machine (5.6 and 5.8) on Win
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