Sorry, I posted this in the wrong forum, and in fact shouldn't have posted it in the forum at all. I also submitted this to the support team with some SQL to demonstrate the problem. I received a quick response and was informed they would "most likely fix it in 5.1".
Hope this Helps someone else,
Just as an fyi - here's part of the SQL I'm using...
CREATE SCHEMA MorningReport;
CREATE TABLE [MorningReport].[step1] (
id int not null identity(1,1) primary key
, ipmonitor_status varchar(25) not null check( ipmonitor_status in ('GREEN', 'ORANGE', 'RED') )
, temperature decimal(3,1) default (0) check( temperature between 0.0 and 299.9 )
, humidity decimal(2,0) default (0) check( humidity between 0.0 and 99.9 )
, submitted_by varchar(25) not null
, submit_date varchar(10) not null default ( convert( varchar(10), getdate(), 120) )
, record_inserted datetime not null default ( getdate() )
, CONSTRAINT Unique_subDate UNIQUE( submit_date )