Hi, I am a new and indeed a happy customer of you.
I have worked with Zend editor for long time and was really going crazy with it. Old story

Now I shifted to PHPEd and I have to say that it is much faster in coding and saves me lot of time (Terminals, Code explorer, autocomplete, fast UI, ...)
However, there are some features I am missing from Zend Editor which I wanted to outline here in case you find time to add them:
1- Formatting code : In zend there is an option which when you select a bulk of code, it automatically indents it. This is a great feature for me. However in PHPEd it is left to Polystyle which I don't like. It does it to whole the document and if you are using Source Control sometimes it does wierd stuff to the whole body. Result : Source formatting unusable for me and not fast & effective.
2- Window Clonning - I can split the window for the same file in zend.
3- Default values for tags. IMG border = "0"
These are the ones that I can think of right now. Apart from them, it's pleasure to use PHPEd. Worths every penny.