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Memory usage

Joined: 26 Sep 2007
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I don't think I need to say much about this; the screen shot tells all: [739,956K?? -- almost 1GB in memory]

My system specs are:
Vista Ultimate [SP1], 32 bit
Core 2 Quad @ 2.40GHz
4GB ram

And I had only a few files open, together they were at most 1MB... but I have had PhpEd open for around 8 hours now.... but still, wtf?

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I have phped running with 3 open projects averaging over 5000 files and the memory in use here is 103MB (65MB private and the rest shareable)
Has been running here for a couple hours but I'll check again later on.

Btw: I have seen the PPX (code completion) files accompanying the project files grow over time (especially on a project in development). So perhaps you can check those and if they are too big delete them to have them rebuilt? (it's only cache anyway). Just an idea, dunno if it will actually help
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Joined: 03 Dec 2005
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10 projects in one workspace
Over all:
54000 files
5400 directories

Memory usage:

Solution: use Windows XP Wink
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It's not necessarily that it's PhpED's own memory consumption you saw in the task manager's list.
Any shared dll loaded by OS into the process space (like shell-integrated TortoiseSVN) can allocate and leak memory in the private process memory pool.
The only thing you can do with this is to install only tools proven to work good.
You can inspect process workspace with MS tools to see what DLLs are loaded into the process and check what applications they belong to by their resources and path. Then uninstall one by one and check the results. Start with Shell-integrated applications like TortoiseSVN. I mention this application because some versions are known to leak a lot.

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Joined: 26 Sep 2007
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I don't think it would be any extensions... I have almost everything turned off [debugger, database, svn, internal web server, all manuals, code insight, code folding, and every single Debug Window and helper tab -- I find these especially annoying].

I'm also using the Standard version...
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I did not mean phped. Please read the other posts in this thread, it's clear that phped taks from 70MB up to ~ 400MB depending on the project size. I think that the memory was allocated by shared libraries loaded into the process. These libraries depend only on what you have installed on your machne. Try a clean machine and you'll see the difference.

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Joined: 16 Dec 2009
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I was using over 1.6 GB of memory in phpEd and it was slowing down my system considerably, and it dropped down to ~300MB when I added .git directories to the "Hide Directories" list in the project properties menu.

phpEd staff: SVN and CVS directories are already included on this list by default, you guys may want to consider adding .git directories to the exclude list by default as well.

edit: Actually guys, my memory usage has climbed back up again and is now sitting at 1.7 GB. :-/ Any ideas how I can improve this? Oddly enough, my repository isn't terribly large beyond using a (fairly lightweight) MVC framework.
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Memory usage
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