Here's my wish list... If phped doesn't catch up soon, I may be forced to look elsewhere (sadly)...
1. Global project/workspace defaults. When creating a new project or workspace, the program would set these as defaults then I could customize after it's been created.
2. Multiple publishing targets. As a consultant I work at various client locations, each having their own VPN, access rules, and whatnot. As a result, I'm forced to create multiple copies of a project with different publishing targets. In addition, there is always the staging/development and production targets that most folks have.
3. Better SVN integration. Seriously guys, incorporate tortoise into the IDE.
3a. Integrated "diff" functionality with repo
4. Macros. Need to define keyboard macros and replay them for repetitive tasks. I hate that I have to fire up CodeWright every time I need this feature.
5. Associations. Why can't I add new file associations?
6. More or user-defined code parsers. I frequently edit property files, shell scripts, etc. These have no color coding or error checking. Jeez, VIM has this!
7. Open up the plugin system. Let users create plug-ins for phped. It would help everyone.
8. Remote delete. When I delete a file locally in a project, give me the option of deleting it remotely as well. Having to log into the server, delete the file, etc. is a pain in the ass.
Ok, enough bitching....