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It really shouldn't be this hard.

Joined: 20 Aug 2004
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I've spent all day now reading forum posts and trying to get debugging working with the 3.2.2 eval.

When trying to use a 3rd party browser the most frequent error message is

Failed to run DBG session
client ip address [NULL] lookup failed
debugger request found in "query_string".
Not sure what it means? Visit for troubleshooting.

depending on the hosts_allow line in php.ini, and is also shown trying to browse any other localhost/.php file, unless the cookie it leaves behind is killed:


php.ini settings:

debugger.hosts_allow=localhost (and oher variations incl.
debugger.ports=7869, 10000/16

machine and servers
suse 9.0
apache 2.0.47

from phpinfo:
This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Zend Technologies with DBG v2.16.12, (C) 2000,2004, by Dmitri Dmitrienko

DBG php debugger, version 2.16.12, Copyright 2001, 2004 Dmitri Dmitrienko,

Version 2.16.12
Linked as a shared library.
Dbg security enabled.
Profiler compiled, enabled

Directive Local Value Master Value
debugger.enable_session_cookie On On
debugger.enabled On On
debugger.fail_silently On On
debugger.hosts_allow protected value protected value
debugger.hosts_deny protected value protected value
debugger.ignore_nops Off Off
debugger.JIT_enabled Off Off
debugger.JIT_host clienthost clienthost
debugger.JIT_level 3 3
debugger.JIT_port 7869 7869 128000 128000 1024000 1024000
debugger.ports protected value protected value
debugger.profiler_enabled On On
debugger.session_nocache On On
debugger.timeout_seconds 300 300

Ayway, I gave up and tried using the built-in server, but got this amusing message:

"PhpED is not currently configured to handle files with ".php" extension. Check that this extension is associated with PHP interpreter."

OK, I give up, if PhpED doesn't know it's own name I'll be glad to type it in but what is the name of the Linux PhpED php file handler excutable? I'd try everything that looks execuable under /opt/phped but I'm just too tired of it today.
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3.2.2 ? Do you mean you're trying to run Linux version of PHPED ? In this case forget about dbg 2.16 and install debugger modules that come with phped 3.2.2.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2004
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"...forget about dbg 2.16 and install debugger modules that come with phped 3.2.2."


I'm using the copy of dbg.s0-4.3.3 which came with phped 3.2.2 , as per instructions (to match php 4.3.3).
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Version 2.16.12
Linked as a shared library.
Dbg security enabled.

PHPED 3.2.2 comes with 2.14, not with 2.16.
You have to install dbg-2.14 if you want to work with phped 3.2.2/Linux.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2004
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PHPED 3.2.2 comes with 2.14, not with 2.16.
You have to install dbg-2.14 if you want to work with phped 3.2.2/Linux.
Ok, I'm willing to give it a fair shot.

I uninstalled, then went through and wiped out all remaining traces of phped including every dbg.s0-x.x.x and reference to same, and , just to be sure, wiped and reinstalled apache2 with php4, then did a fresh install of phped 3.2.2 for Linux, setting up for debugging per instructions. I actually rebooted between installs, just in case something was left running that might keep dbg in memory.

After all that, phpinfo tells me the debug version is dbg-2.16.12. YOU may think phped 3.2.2 comes with dbg-2.14, but the software is apparently unimpressed with your opinion. BTW, it still doesn't work.
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then you installed phped-3.3.2, not 3.2.2 as you stated before. Smile
If it fails to start debug take a look at
a) run mode you have set. It should be HTTP/3rd party web server
b) in the project settings you should specify htdocs for both remote root directory and project root directory
c) in root url you have to specify http://localhost/

that's all tricks so far...
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Joined: 20 Aug 2004
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Ok, I think I have it now, maybe. is incompatible with (couldn't use better names?) so use the library from PhpEd 3.2.2 with PhpEd 3.3.2 . That got rid of the
Failed to run DBG session
client ip address [NULL] lookup failed
debugger request found in "query_string".
but now I get a "Failed to start debugging session" errorbox.

HTTP/3rd party web server is set
htdocs is spec'd for remote root and project root.
Root URL is http://localhost/
In php.ini:
debugger.ports=7869, 10000/16
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4.3.3 is not the dbg version. Otherwise it would be
4.3.3 is php version the is compatible with.

Phped 3.2.x comes with version 2.14 while phped 3.3.x comes with 2.16. Latter is backward compatible with 2.14 while 2.14 can't work with 2.16's requests when client address is empty (NULL). That's the matter of the message you got.

If you got TIMEOUT error please proceed with these instructions:
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Joined: 20 Aug 2004
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4.3.3 is not the dbg version. Otherwise it would be
??? I should use instead of Where is that located?

Our story thus far:
PhpED 3.3.2 Build 3386eval (?-can't read that tiny type on my monitor).
With DBG V2.16.12 ( that comes with PhpEd 3.3.2 eval)
pages don't open and I get the error
Failed to run DBG session
client ip address [NULL] lookup failed
debugger request found in "query_string".
With DBG V2.14.10 ( that comes with PhpEd 3.2.2 eval)
pages will open but I get the error
Failed to run debugging session.
Check PHPEd and dbg settings.
Other settings still as in previous posts.

One change: I went back and tried PhpEd 3.2.2 one more time but couldn't get the debugger working there, either.
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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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??? I should use instead of Where is that located?

No, I did not say that. What I said is that you have to make sure that you use appropriate dbg module. So if you run php 4.3.3 you'd use module. Module itself should be taken from the debugger subdirectory of phped, nowhere else.
If the problem still persists please run phpinfo() and post all the results here.
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It really shouldn't be this hard.
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