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Integrating PEAR chm with PhpED help tab *solved*

Joined: 15 Sep 2005
Posts: 13
Location: Eugene, OR, USA
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Hi, I downloaded the latest chm help file from Pear, and added it with Settings > Help in PhpED. Seemed to work OK. However, when I open it, I can find no way to access a TOC.

Has anyone had any success integrating the PEAR manual into PhpED?
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Joined: 22 Sep 2005
Posts: 113
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I sent an email to asking them to put the TOC in the index page, and received an answer that didn't worked. Maybe someone from Nusphere could make it work.

The answer:

You can use pear_manual_en.hhc, included in pear_manual_xx.chm to
extract all necessary information to build a navigational panel.
In addition - the way to parse this file is quite universal and
if the .hhc file is included with .chm and you know it's path inside -
you can easily open integrate almost any .chm

To access the pear_manual_en.hhc file if PEAR help .chm is located at
C:\pear_manual_en.chm use the following url in IE


From Sunday, November 27, 2005, 6:09:51 PM, you wrote:

R> Problably you already know Nusphere PHPEd, but if not, it's
R> just the best PHP IDE in my opinion.

R> It has a feature that allows the integratation of CHM files
R> into the ide. The Pear help file can be integrated easily, the Pear
R> help file does not have the TOC (Table of Contents) in its
R> index.html file, resulting in no way to navigate the help file:

R> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

R> PEAR Manual
R> List of authors

R> Edited by
R> Martin Jansen
R> Alexander Merz

R> Windows Help File Edition
R> Dieter Raber
R> Anatoly Techtonik
R> 06-08-2005

R> Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 The PEAR Documentation Group

R> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

>>>>>>>> What I would like to ask you, is just to insert the
>>>>>>>> TOC in this first page, in order to make it usable in PHPEd,
>>>>>>>> like this:

R> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

R> PEAR Manual
R> List of authors

R> Table of Contents
R> a.. Preface
R> b.. About Pear
R> c.. New Maintainers' Guide
R> d.. Developer Guide
R> e.. New features in PEAR 1.4
R> f.. Core components
R> g.. Packages
R> h.. PECL Packages

R> Edited by
R> Martin Jansen
R> Alexander Merz

R> Windows Help File Edition
R> Dieter Raber
R> Anatoly Techtonik
R> 06-08-2005

R> Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 The PEAR Documentation Group

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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problem was with HHC section that has <param> tags closed. In most CHM we worked before, <param> tags were always left unclosed.
We fixed this problem in 4046 and pear's chm works fine.
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Integrating PEAR chm with PhpED help tab *solved*
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