So. I'm pretty close to taking a dip in the shark tank that is PHP Editor shopping. I've been using the trial, figured I'd jump into the forum and ask a few questions.
Are there any plans for implementing a default project setup - or plans to add "packages" to the entire workspace?
Like for instance I have n projects in my work space, they all use PEAR and an outlandish set of classes that I made in my "oh this is a really good idea!" days and now never use. It seems to me that reparsing the references per project is a waste of time. I guess what I'm looking for is something like MS Visual Studio. (That's right, I said it...) You wouldn't even have to do it properly, just enough so that it gives the classes referenced in the tips.
Which leads me to point 2. Which I just double checked and much to my glee it is fixed. So, 2 will now be dynamic includes/requires. EG:
require_once(CLASSPATH . "payment/" . $this->classname . ".cfg.php"); |
Would it be too processor intense to parse the includes and so on, ultimately I'd like to be able to have 2 tip windows, one for references that have been included which would take preference over the references that no one likes.
Which leads me to my last gripe (for now) the code explorer. It is perfect looking. However, if you have PEAR and a few other references in there it quickly becomes too much to look at. Thus in turn forcing you to use single file mode which defeats the purpose of an explorer.
Oh, last thing, promise. Gets picket sign and starts chanting *I want syntax highlighting for my function names and class names, when do I want it? NOW!*
That said, keep up the good work. I'm moving from Zend after much umming and arring. The thing that hooked me on phpED was overall functionality (even if I did have yet another hissy fit about syntax highlighting) and the speed of the program. If I had to put up with another random Zend "mess with my life freezes" I possibly would have done absolutely nothing about it.