ddmitrie wrote: |
Do you mean a kind of auto-replacing should happen for each non-latin and html-sensitive characters that you type in the editor ? E.g. if you type ">" it should be replaced with ">" automatically, right ?
something like this would be great
especially for umlauts in floating text or accents in french
ddmitrie wrote: |
In this case it will be hard to type something like $this->mymethod()...
maybe this works only for a defined range of special chars (like mentioned above) and not for all kind of opperators or something like this
ddmitrie wrote: |
Please clarify what you would like to get in the editor. |
i formally worked on cfm-file with ColdFusion-Studio (Allaire/Macromedia)
in this software there is somekind of autoreplacment implemented and for me and maybe others it would be great help
thx for your efforts
btw: shouldn't one move this to feature-request section ??
[thx for moving]