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How to include folders above the root in project?

Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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Location: Burbank, CA USA
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I am evaluating PhpED ver 3.3 (Build3332eval). I am running Windows 2000 on my work station and a separate server on my local network. This is a development environment which must match the production environment.

I have folders placed above the root to hold application files that I don't want to risk being available to the public. For example:

- lib
- filters
- public_html

If I set project properties as follows:
- Root Directory: W:\mulligan\public_html
- Run Mode: 3rd party web server
- Root URL: http://arkadia/mulligan/public_html
- Remote Root Dir: W:\mulligan\public_html
- Default File to Run: W:\mulligan\public_html\index.php

I am able to run and debug as expected. The problem is that I am unable to access directories above public_html (lib or filters) from the Workspace tab.

If I change only the root directory:
- Root Directory: W:\mulligan\public_html
- Root Directory: W:\mulligan

I am now able to see and open files in my lib and filters directories.

But now I am now unable to execute or debug.

- Default File to Run: W:\mulligan\public_html\index.php

The file exists, no changes were made beyond the Root Directory property, but now I get a 404 file not found error when I try to run or debug.

Is there a way to execute/debug a Default File to Run located below the top most folder in the project?

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Best Regards,

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You'd set per following:
- Root Directory: W:\mulligan\
- Run Mode: 3rd party web server
- Root URL: leave empty
- Remote Root Dir: W:\mulligan\
- Default File to Run: W:\mulligan\public_html\index.php

then add one mapping entry on the mapping tab where you'd type
- Root Directory: W:\mulligan\public_html
- Root URL: http://arkadia/mulligan/public_html
- Remote Root Dir: W:\mulligan\public_html

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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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Location: Burbank, CA USA
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That did it, I now have remote debugging with all folders available in the project!

Thanks for your detailed example.

I studied the help on this and just didn't quite get it. This same area in HomeSite is very dificult also for some reason.


A few comments/suggestions

One thing that confused me was when setting a path, it is not always clear if this from the 'viewpoint' of the local workstation or the remote server. For example:

Root directory. Enter the path to a physical directory to contain files and subdirectories associated with the project

Cold be improved by specifying 'Enter the path to a local physical directory.' Further an example would be helpful e.g. 'C:\Apache\htdocs'.

Remote root directory. Enter the path to a physical remote directory to publish your files.

Im still not clear as to what should go in here if I don't have network access to the remote server? Would this be the physical path to the root from the server's view ? e.g. 'D:\Inetpub\wwwroot' on an IIS machine? An example here would improve the help also.


Finally, on the Mapping tab of Project Properties, why would I want to move an entry up or down? I could find no explanation of this in the help.

My new entry won't move up or down, but it works amd I'm happy with that. Just wondering for future mappings.

Thanks for your fast and helpful reply.

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Thanks for suggestions.
'Enter the path to a local physical directory.'

Not exactly. Under "local physical" one may understand a really local physical directory. While it could be a directory mapped from a disk shared among the network. But it's correct that this directory is from the local (IDE) point of view. Usually it's apache htdocs directory in case of local apache, or a directory where you keep your project files.

Remote root directory. It should be the same as local root directory in case of local Apache or really remote directory in case of remote Apache. It's always directory from Apache's point of view.

Root URL - is a presentation of the same physical directory in HTTP namespace Smile. Usually http://localhost/ in case of local Apache.

Finally, on the Mapping tab of Project Properties, why would I want to move an entry up or down? I could find no explanation of this in the help.

If you have several mapping entries, they have different precedence and you may want to adjust it by moving an entry upper or lower.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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Location: Burbank, CA USA
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Thanks Dmitri,

You explanation made it much clearer for me.

Your support through this forum is a valuable "feature" of PhpED.

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I hope Smile
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How to include folders above the root in project?
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