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How to disable "show mapping errors" on remote deb

Joined: 21 Apr 2004
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I am trying do set off warnings about mapping local an remote files on remote debugging.

I set "project propreties"->"run mode" to HTTP mode 3rd party web server.
I set "debugger"->"Show mapping errors" to OFF.

But when I start remote debugging it still show the warning message "Cannot find any local file corresponding to XXX remote file. Would you like to specify the local file manually?"?

The feature "Show mapping errors" OFF is not working?

Thanks Cool [/b]
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If you don't have a local copy of the project, it will be really hard to work with them. Each time you need to change anything you have to download and then upload. Better to have all the files locally and a) keep them synchronized with a source repository and b) upload them to the server when needed only.
In case if you have all the files on your local machine you can set up project mapping and forget about mapping errors.
See PHPED FAQ forum on how to set up project properties.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2004
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First of all, thanks for your quick answer !

You have rigth, when we are working alone or we have time on a project that is the best way to work ...

But in my case we have 4 people working together on the same project and sometimes while i am debugging, someone as already uploaded a new class or funtcion version.

Our idea is to try your IDE and their features of remote debugging and CVS to develope faster with all the team elements working in the same project at the same time.

That's why I asked you how to disable the remote mapping errors ... is it possible?
It seems that in PHPEd 3.3 Eval that is not working?

Thanks and keep the good work! Smile
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You have rigth, when we are working alone or we have time on a project that is the best way to work ...

When you work alone technology plays much less role.
In case with team, many people agreed that it is much more efficient to work with local copies synchronized with shared repository (such as CVS or SourceSafe) especially if all make changes simultaneously.
If being a team member you work with without source control, you always have a good chance that your changes will be overriden by somebody else.
For example, guy A downloaded a file and started making changes. You downloaded it too, made the changes and then uploaded it back. Then guy A finished and uploaded his changes too... Where are your changes now ?
With CVS you can either exclusively lock the file or go through cvs edit then cvs commit and if a file was modified by somebody else, the changes will be merged automatically. If merging failed, you will be informed. Anyways, no work can be lost. Isn't it a more efficient way for a team of developers ?

That's why I asked you how to disable the remote mapping errors ...

For example, without proper mapping you can't set breakpoints. They will be ignored because debugger does not know what file to set breakpoints to.

It seems that in PHPEd 3.3 Eval that is not working?

They work but when all the mapping is set up properly and one of the files being debugged was not found, phped may warn you about it. Such warning can be disabled by the setting you are talking about. But, when no mapping set up, phped will show the problem anyways.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2004
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In case with team, many people agreed that it is much more efficient to work with local copies synchronized with shared repository (such as CVS or SourceSafe) especially if all make changes simultaneously.

Yes, my idea is to work synchronized with CVS.
But to be sure that we using the last deployed class we think that the best way is remote debugging without local copies.

But, when no mapping set up, phped will show the problem anyways

We don't agree with you in this ... a team should have the option to choose if want to work PHPEd's way or not ... PHPEd should only warn one time, after that if we say no to mapping errors they must be disabled. Could you consider doing this on your IDE ? Wink

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Yes, my idea is to work synchronized with CVS.
But to be sure that we using the last deployed class we think that the best way is remote debugging without local copies

It's something really new Smile. Could you tell in more details how you are going to use CVS ? Maybe it will shed some light on how phped should be used...

a team should have the option to choose if want to work PHPEd's way or not


if we say no to mapping errors they must be disabled

then you will say yes to breakpoints when they fail to work due to missed mapping Smile...
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It's something really new ...

Do you really want to know about our developing and working method? Shocked

then you will say yes to breakpoints when they fail to work due to missed mapping

I tried disabling mapping errors in phped 3.2.1 eval and it is working and breakpoints still works without any local/remote mapping.

So if in version 3.2.1 disabling local/remote is working why doesn't work in 3.3?

We bought PHPEd version 3.1 and now we are testing version 3.3 to see if we should or not do the upgrading, that's why we are insisting on this issue.

Your team have done a excellent job on PHPEd version 3.3 with CVS commands, the possibility of upload and downloading a single file (I think that in 3.2 we could only download a folder?) and the possibillity of generating project documentation(phpdoc) on a single click ...
but ... mapping local/remote files should have the possibility do be disabled don't you think?

Thanks again ! Wink
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Do you really want to know about our developing and working method?

Not really Smile
I'd prefer to find a more suitable implementation for mapping that will suite you best Smile
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I'd prefer to find a more suitable implementation for mapping that will suite you best

So ... the option "Show mapping errors" can or canĀ“t be disabled in phped 3.3 ? It's a bug ? Rolling Eyes

Because if It's working on phped 3.2 ... it should work on phped 3.3 ?

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similar issues in remote dbg configuration

Joined: 26 May 2004
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I think Im having similar issues with remote debugging.

Here's my environment:

Web/PHP Server
- Linux/Apache/Php5 server
- web root: /var/rct/public
- include (private) files: /var/rct/includes
- samba share: /var/rct shared as "rct"
- DBG 2.16

Development Workstation
- Windows XP with PhpEd 3.3
- R: mapped to \\server\rct

PhpEd Config
- IDE->Run Mode: HTTP Mode (3rd Party Web Srv)
- Debugger->Error Level: 1 Fatal Errors Only
- Debugger->Show Mapping Errors: Unchecked
- Srv Web Server->ServerMappings:
URL: -> Path: R:\public

When attempting to debug a script that I go to with my web browser using ?DBGSESSID, etc..etc... I get the following popup warning:


Cannot find any local file corresponding to /var/rct/includes/config/
Would you like to set it up manually?

I then get these over and over to where it's fairly unusable.

I've also tried setting up /var/rct -> R:\ as a server mapping with no luck.

Is there a configuration or mapping setting that would work better with my dev. environment?


Gabriel Cox
RLX Technologies
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You probably forgot to read my posts above.
Please NOTE, you have to create a project when work with remote web servers. NO other way.

PhpED has no imagination nor vision of what files on your remote server. It needs all the running files accessible from a local directory (or mapped directory) even though they are actually running on remote server.

If you have mapped disk though samba, that's just fine. Set up project to point to that place and everything will work like a charm.
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How to disable "show mapping errors" on remote deb
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