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Joined: 13 Jun 2004
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Ok, I've just tested with a different script that does not hammer the server so much and only has one (simple) include file.

Before I go any further my settings are:


Root Directory: X:\sandbox\C\clickmetric\codebase
(X: is mapped to \\devserver\<my home dir share>\)

Publishing (all blank)


Run Mode: 3rd party web server
Root url: http://myserver (this is set up to point to the IP of the dev server)
Remote root directory: /var/www/home/bealers/sandbox/C/clickmetric/codebase (this is set up as the DocumentRoot in a name based VirtualHost within httpd.conf for apache on the dev server, the ServerName is the URL above.)

Debug client and Host are the same version numbers and I'm 99.9% sure that client/server are set up correctly. When I start a debug session the listener shows a client connected and the log shows the IP of the dev server.


when I start to debug it starts at the first line of code (as expected), this first line of code is actually a file that is auto_prepended, it's about 5 lines of code that figures out the username of the person who's sandbox the code is running from. This file is in /usr/share/php, I have set a symlink up /home/bealers/sandbox/php -> /usr/share/php/ and this is mapped in the project. So when the debug starts, it stops on the function in the auto_prepend file. If I click step into, you can see in the task bar that it's loading the file but it won't step into the next line. The only difference between this one and the main app that I'm trying to debug is that sometimes I can stop the debugging session with this one, but only sometimes.

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If you got any problem with phped IDE that can be replicated please submit a report at
Please include screenshots of a) all tabs in project properties window b) tools->settings->IDE tab c) tools->settings->debugger tab d) results of running phpinfo() function e) php.ini file
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debugger won't break

Joined: 04 May 2004
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this may be helpful...

i was having the same problem (just would _not_ break in my scripts). man, i tried _everything_. after some back and forth, dmitrie wrote in an email...

Please make sure Watches window does not contain any function nor method calls.
They may cause debugger to stop debug session if corresponding function or class instance are not available.
The same rule is applicable to conditional breakpoints.

... and 'presto!', my debugger is working again. ta.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2004
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I have the same problem as minorgod. I can easily enter breakpoints in the PHPEd IDE, I can run my project in the debugger, but I do not see any "Run to next breakpoint" or "Continue" button that gives me the possibility to jump to the next breakpoint or from breakpoint to breakpoint.
I found that F4 (Run to Cursor) seems to do the job, but why isn't there a designated button to run into the next breakpoint.

Config: I am running a local Apache on a Windows machine. It seems that my project is set up nicely - the breakpoints work if I use F4...
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while you're in the debug session, you should just press RUN IN DEBUGGER (F9) to continue execution until the next breakpoint.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2004
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So simple...
I think this is exactly what Minorgod actually asked for!
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Won't stop at breakpoint

Joined: 08 Feb 2005
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Hi all,

I've read through all the posts here, and I appear to have the same symptoms, but cannot get the breakpoints working.

I have set up the project correctly (as far as I can see), I am using Apache and it's set up as a 3rd party server.

I can only get the debugger to stop if I add a DebugBreak() command - the breakpoints that I've set up appear to be totally ignored.

It appears as if some of you managed to get this working, could you please give more details on how...


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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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Please make sure Watches window does not contain any function nor method calls.
They may cause debugger to stop debug session if corresponding function or class instance are not available.
The same rule is applicable to conditional breakpoints.

It relates to debugger 2.16.12 and earlier. The most recent versions (2.16.15 and 2.16.16) are free from the problem.
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How do I run to the next breakpoint?
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