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How DBG works ?

Joined: 28 Apr 2004
Posts: 1
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Hi everybody,

could someone tell me if I understand correctly how DBG work ?
My apache/php server is a linux/debian machine (php 4.1.2, dbg 2.11)
My developpement machine is a winXP, running PHPEdit ( and DBG Listener(2.11.23).

when i put a breakpoint in my script from phpedit, phpedit send a request to Apache/php/DBG via http protocol.
DBG works together with php and send his answer to DBGListener on port 7869 (by default) on the winXP machine.
DBGListener talks with phpedit to let him show, for example variables.

Is that correct ? Is there a need of port that should be opened on the linux or on the winWP machine ? I seem logical to me the 7869 should be opened on both ??

Thanks for your answers Very Happy

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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TCP/7869 should be opened on the server for outgoing connections
TCP/7869 should be opened on the client machine for incoming connections (it is a listener or a server in networking terms).
If there is a NAT router between server and client you have to set it up accordingly (it should have 7869 port pointing to your client machine IP).

You can forget about all said above if you start using SSH and DBG over SSH. Unfortunately, it can hardly be done in PHPEDIT...
As for PHPED see the link below:
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How DBG works ?
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