You could add DBGSESSID to your web request URL's but not always convenient.
Possibly you will find the PHP statement DebugBreak() useful. Because the API request may not be identifiable back to a specific computer with the debugger running, you may have to tell DebugBreak() which computer has the debugger:
// where 1 is the session ID and the value after the @ is your computer IP address
DebugBreak('1@') |
If you are debugging a service where it might be getting other connections that should not be debugged, you could use something like:
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') {
Note: Remember to not allow DebugBreak() to run on code in a live production environment. You can use a variety of methods to stop your debug code from running without having to remove it.
There is lots of info in this forum about DebugBreak() and the syntax of the parameter is the same as for DBGSESSID. See
After DebugBreak() has forced a breakpoint, your IDE breakpoints will also activate.