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gettext extension install problem *solved*

Joined: 19 Jan 2004
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I can get the local webserver to load the amended php.ini settings for gettext extension correctly, however when I use the Techplatform as the remote server(and change the php.ini file and path accordingly to suit) I get an error telling me that apache failed to start because the module could not be found. Path...../techPlat/apache/php/extensions\php_gettext.dll
I have checked the directory and the module is there.

Any suggestions as to why it cannot find the gettext.dll?
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I'd recommend you to copy libintl-1.dll into Apache's directory.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2004
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Have copied it over but the result is still the same. Is this a fault with apache or php, can I substitute the phped local version of php 4.4.1 into apache(currently version 4.4)?
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sorry, I messed with TechPlatform v5 that's still not released.
With v4 that's on the site you have to copy iconv.dll
It is located in
E:\Program Files\nusphere\TechPlat\apache\php\
and should be copied to
E:\Program Files\nusphere\TechPlat\apache\

Alternatively you may want to include E:\Program Files\nusphere\TechPlat\apache\php into the PATH environment variable and reboot your machine.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2004
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Sorted thanks.

Having issues and trouble understanding how Gettext and php's gettext(); interact.

Does php's gettext(); rely on GNU GetText to execute or are they separate entities?

Can I setup dummy locale and language .mo and .po files to test the gettext(); function works correctly? Have tried already but appears to be failing gracefully, ie just outputs the enclosed message text and not the translation from message file.

Cannot get GetText to execute xgettext to the correct path on a windows shell, do you know of any compatibility issues here?
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I think the excerpt below taken from relates to the problem you encountered

mikolaj at webgate dot bg
10-Jun-2004 03:54
winXP, PHP 4.3.5 as Apache1.3.29 module

Two hints for Windows users.

I found setting locale is neither sufficient nor nessecery. To get it work I needed to set either LC_ALL or LANG enviroment variable to my locale. Anyway this value must be proper for setlocale so it is good to test with it. In my case it was bgr_BGR for bulgarian according to

gettext checks for files once and keeps them in cashe. Especially it means that if it doesn't find your files it won't search again, so restart Apache after any directory changes!!

My minimal working script:
// translation file: D:\Apache\htdocs\mypage\locale\bgr_BGR\LC_MESSAGES\
bindtextdomain('messages', 'D:\Apache\htdocs\mypage\locale\\');
echo gettext("Hello");
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Joined: 19 Jan 2004
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I have reconfigured my php.ini to enable gettext(); and have used GNU GetText to create my .po and .mo files.

I have all the message.po and .mo files appropriately structured and set my paths and lang variables to test gettext();, however without success.

I think that i have a php configuring problem.

What I want to know is:

Will the install of the gettext.dll allow use of the translation files .mo alone?

I.E. Does PHP provide the translating functionality independantly by calling the translation from the .mo files? or does PHP have to be configured to use GNU GetText functions directly to call the translation from the .mo. I read that the former was possible.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2004
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Having now worked on another linux based server and succeeded with gettext(); I have discovered that the techplatform php dlls or GetText extension dlls are either not configured correctly or incompatable.

What I need are the correct GetText dll extensions, paths and how to set them for the Techplatform on Windows XP.

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Joined: 13 Jul 2003
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I helped you with getting php_gettext loaded and used by php.
All questions on the beneath functionality could be considered with php_gettext authors. Please contact them for their help or submit bug to

 Author: Alex Plotnick <alex at wgate dot com>             
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gettext extension install problem *solved*
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