Joined: 17 Jan 2010 |
Posts: 3 |
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:17 am |
I come from a Dreamweaver background and previously I had to download the file I wanted to work with, edit and make changes, upload and test. The nice thing about this process is that there was always a backup copy on my local drive that I could return too if something happened to the uploaded version.
I have now found PHPeD which I must say is the best PHP editor on the market. The FTP system is unparalelled in any other program. Now all I do is set up the FTP, double click the file to open and save when I'm done and the rest is taken care of. This saves me mountains of time.
The problem however is that I no longer have the luxury of keeping a local copy. All I would like to see in the new feature is the option to "Keep Local Copy". I don't expect the function to download the website or syncronise or anything crazy like that. All I want is for it to keep the files I download in a location I specify. The files should be saved in the same directory structure as on the FTP.
At the moment, when you download the file from the FTP it places it in a temporary file. Soon after finishing with it, it dissappears. I would just like to be able to specify the location where these files should be downloaded too and not delete them when I'm done with it. The only complication I can forsee is if you try and download a file that alreayd exists on the drive, perhaps there should be a popup that asks "Overwrite", "Always Overwrite", "Overwrite While Open".
The only one I should explain is "Overwrite While Open", everytime I click save, this file should update the local and remote file without prompting. If I close and reopen the file, the popup should reappear.
I think this is simple to do and would add a large amount of value for me as a client.