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Force re-indexing of project or folders

Joined: 11 Mar 2011
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Since I often work with projects which make use of auto-generated classes, and these classes sometimes get regenerated and therefore their methods and properties get changed, I need a way to force re-indexing of these folders or may be the whole project for auto-complete to reflect changes.

Now I achieve the result by opening the re-created classes in their respected files, which is inconvenient. F5 (refresh) does only refresh files in the file explorer.

So, the question is: how to force the rescan or reindex of files on demand? Or should I post this in feature request thread?

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if you perform changes in files under the project tree (even with 3rd party tools) while the IDE is running, it is expected to notice such changes, re-scan the project accordingly, and refresh Code Insight data used for code completion and code explorer. If the IDE is not running at the moment you perform the changes, you have to refresh it manually - using F5 in Code Explorer window, not in the Workspace.

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Joined: 11 Mar 2011
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Well, yes, these dynamically regenerating files are under the project tree, but nevertheless they don't get rescanned when modified from outside.

It is a fact, that the IDE monitors changes of the file structure, but when I modify the existing and already indexed file from outside, the IDE won't reindex. Probably it just checks if the file is still there, but does not compare timestamps and/or size of existing files. So I suppose the IDE monitors only those files which are open in editors, because modifications from outside in these files do reflect automatically.

Thank you for the idea about F5 in Code Explorer. This really does rescan the whole project.
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I'm not sure what you mean under "re-indexing" the files. IDE has sensors for changes in filesystem and refreshes both -- Workspace and Code Explorer to reflect changes in the files and in the directories.
If something does not work for you
a) make sure that you have installed the latest update (7023 at the moment)
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Force re-indexing of project or folders
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