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File rename and desktop shortcut on save as and open window

Joined: 26 Nov 2007
Posts: 7
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Something I miss is the option to rename files like ultraedit does , in ultraedit you can right click on the file tab and rename the file from there, PhpED doesnt have this option , everytime I need to rename a file , I have to first close the file on PhpED then rename it on windows and then reopen it , would be a nice feature.

Another thing I miss is the desktop shortcut on the save as and open windows, everytime I need to open a file or save it on my desktop I need to go through the whole path on c:/document and settings/user/desktop/ ... which is a waste of time.

And if you could improve the bookmark system , the one you have I dont like it very much , I cant never remember the number of the bookmark I did, you could do a bookmark system like Zend Studio , that bookmark system I find it pretty usefull and easy to use.

Well those are my feature request and improvements ^^. I hope you consider them.

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you don't have to close file if you want to rename it.
First way: File->Save As
2nd way: rename it in Explorer window
3rd way: rename it in Workspace window

Instead of "desktop" shortcut, please use Favorites popup.

Regarding bookmarks, they are working like in any other Borland tools and if we change it, I'm afraid there will be a lot of customers with their requests to roll back those changes. Feel free to open a topic with vote for/against bookmark changes in PhpED Feat Req forum.

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Joined: 14 Mar 2010
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If you are looking for the easy way to batch rename files and folders by the thousands? RenameMaestro is probably the easiest batch file renamer you'll find to instantly rename multiple files.
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Joined: 30 Apr 2010
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In regards to the "Save As".

I would love to see it in the right click menu on tab drop down instead of having to go to the "File -> Save As".

Was hoping it would have made it in the new versions so I didn't have to ask.

Another request would be to have the option to close an open file by double clicking on the tab of that file.
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Joined: 30 Jul 2010
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StevenF wrote:
In regards to the "Save As".

I would love to see it in the right click menu on tab drop down instead of having to go to the "File -> Save As".

Was hoping it would have made it in the new versions so I didn't have to ask.

Another request would be to have the option to close an open file by double clicking on the tab of that file.

Thanks for bringing up that concern.

I love your feature requests.


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Joined: 30 Apr 2010
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I thought the 'Save As' feature would be a simple add to the tab menu. With every new release I'm like a kid on Christmas morning preying that it finally came!

.... But am always let down. Crying or Very sad
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File rename and desktop shortcut on save as and open window
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