Hi, I am using phped with a trial license and we are considering buying it to use it for all our development work. It seems very mature, compared with other php ide/editors. I do, however, have some suggestions/questions which I would like to share (before getting used to not having them).
1) Would it be possible to extend the 'filetype associations' with a possibility to add .* files (like linux hidden files). We use these as php include files. I admit it is somewhat strange, but rather important for us nonetheless.

Of course auto-switching php/html makes it at least possible to have php syntax highlighting in these files, but the code explorer ignores them, for instance.
2) suggestion: would be nice to make it possible to see the open file tabs in 'full screen editing mode (alt+F10)' or add something like the popup while using alt+tab in windows
3) in code explorer it would be nice to have the possibility to show/hide variables-definitions while in the explorer (a solution like in phpedit would be great)
4) in code explorer, again, it would be nice to have projectwide sorting by name (so loosing the grouping by file alltogether) (this is possible in Zend studio, for instance > called project inspector)
5) auto (de-)commenting a block of code using //'s in front would be a nice feature too.
Maybe some of these things are already possible and I just don't know about them, please excuse my ignorance in that case and enlighten me if you will.