 | Feedback: Installer |  |
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Guru master
Joined: 24 Jul 2009 |
Posts: 737 |
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:49 am |
Not sure if I'm correct on all of this, but:
- The install of the various versions of PHP are probably for the internal SRV server. Probably one of those things you can ignore rather than uninstall? Agreed that a Custom install might suit some people.
- Most installers are based on third-party products. Not sure if the PhpED installer is, but it certainly uses the Microsoft MSI services and with various modules being installed, I doubt you could stop all of them stealing focus. Having said that, I installed the latest v12 earlier today on Win 7 and got frustrated because I was responding to emails and it did not steal focus & was waiting for my input. I've just installed on Win8.1 and didn't have any issues with focus being stolen.
- Ironically when it didn't steal focus for me, it was waiting for input to confirm the overwrite of those php.ini's; I thought the install was taking a long time! I'd also rather it didn't ask if there were not any changes to these files (I don't change them either)
- I can see NuSphere PhpED in Programs and Features in both Win7 and Win8.1, although I wasn't sure if you were referring to just the lack of an icon. I've got quite a few without icons, most of them Microsoft but many others as well.
- The 12021 installer was signed with a Symantec certificate that raised an invalid digital signature error (although the certificate shows as OK) and the latest 12031 is unsigned. None of the previous versions were signed, so I'm guessing NuSphere were attempting to implement signatures and it didn't work out, so they didn't do the latest version. Maybe that is coming soon?
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Joined: 12 Jul 2007 |
Posts: 23 |
Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:18 am |
Hi plugnplay,
> - Most installers are based on third-party products. Not sure if the PhpED installer is, but it certainly uses the Microsoft MSI services and with various modules being installed, I doubt you could stop all of them stealing focus. Having said that, I installed the latest v12 earlier today on Win 7 and got frustrated because I was responding to emails and it did not steal focus & was waiting for my input. I've just installed on Win8.1 and didn't have any issues with focus being stolen.
The dialog boxes are not what I meant. When the installer launches the installation of PHP and also maybe the debug helper it steals the focus as if I'd launch it. Right now you need to monitor the installation during the whole process, which isn't you know, "the end of the world", but it's the not kind of stuff I want babysit.
Maybe many things cannot be changed because of various things only Nusphere is aware of, but I think it's valid feedback. I'm not expecting to get everything fixed, just saying that installing is part of the experience.
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