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Joined: 10 Oct 2007
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i have the following suggestions for features in phped:
1- The search in files feature: the found items should be separated in a dedicated log pane from other log messages.
2- The ability to move the debugger pointer over the current line upwards or downwards while debugging.
3- Ability to copy files from windows explorer to the workspace using standard ctrl+c ctrl+v or right click methods.
4- A refactoring engine, especially for php5.
5- WYSIWYG supportive editor for HTML
Thank you
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1- The search in files feature: the found items should be separated in a dedicated log pane from other log messages.

it will be targeted in the next maj. version

2- The ability to move the debugger pointer over the current line upwards or downwards while debugging.

this feature is available for years now.
See Set Execution Point in the editor popup when you step through the code.

3- Ability to copy files from windows explorer to the workspace using standard ctrl+c ctrl+v or right click methods

Try drag-drop. It works.

4- A refactoring engine, especially for php5.

R/o refactoring for analysis is almost there in the code insight data. Or you need smth special?

WYSIWYG supportive editor for HTML

I have some doubts. PhpED is finally a PHP IDE, but feel free to suggest tool you're WYSUWYGing...

The PHP IDE team
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Joined: 06 Jun 2007
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Location: Vancouver, Canada
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dmitri wrote:
2- The ability to move the debugger pointer over the current line upwards or downwards while debugging.

this feature is available for years now.
See Set Execution Point in the editor popup when you step through the code.

So that is what Set Execution Point is for! I could have saved a lot of time if I knew this!

Dmitri, I think this needs to be explained in the Help.

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Joined: 10 Oct 2007
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1- See Set Execution Point in the editor popup when you step through the code.

Thank you, Will you add this feature: moving the execution pointer by drag and drop

2- Try drag-drop. It works.

Yea but the will you support other standard ctrl-c and v features

3- R/o refactoring for analysis is almost there in the code insight data. Or you need smth special?

i need smth special (and i do not know what is R/o refactoring for analysis, if you please explain). actually i am talking about features similar to the following product:
3 minutes video:
other 7 small viedos (about 5 minutes each) that explain the idea:
also there is a free version for visual studio of this product where you can download and test it.
Refactoring is becoming very important for object oriented languages.
also i found this topic in phped support forum at: refactoring-tool-and-other-requests-t166.html?highlight=refactoring

I have some doubts. PhpED is finally a PHP IDE, but feel free to suggest tool you're WYSUWYGing...

i am using the opensource mozilla seamonkey, and microsoft visual web developer express 2005. if you can add some wysiwyg features, it would be cool.

6- if you can add this feature: to add visual glyphs for word wrap, which show a small graphical icon at the end of the line to tell the developer that the next line is a just a continuation line (a feature in visual studio)

thank you
take care
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