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Fatal error: Call to undefined function exif_read_data()

Joined: 19 Feb 2021
Posts: 1
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I am running PHPED 19.1 (build 19102) Professional. In my code I have reference to exif_read_data(), which is returning the Fatal error you see in the subject. I have verified that the version of PHP being executed is 53 - 5.6, that the C:\Program Files(x86)\nusphere\Phped\php53\extensions folder has the necessary DLLS


and I've uncommented those two required lines in the php.ini file (in the php53 directory)

extension=php_exif.dll ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on it

This error persists although I have completely shutdown and restarted the app several times.

I've also verified that this is the version of PHP run by the IDE.

Can you help me understand why I would get this error, and what I can do about it? Thanks!
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Joined: 30 May 2006
Posts: 96
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You are not providing enough information - e.g.:

- Is the PHP script executed in command line (e.g. CRON) or http mode ?

Uncommenting those two lines does NOT mean that extensions are truly loaded.

- Did you check phpinfo() output for HTTP mode or > php -i output for CLI mode - to verify what PHP modules are loaded?
- Did you check error logs for web server or windows logs? (control panel -> admin tools -> event viewer -> windows logs -> application)

Also see here:
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Fatal error: Call to undefined function exif_read_data()
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