FAQ: I don't see parameters defined in URL, what's wrong ?
You probably forgot that when register_globals setting is
off php does not add neither HTTP/GET nor HTTP/POST parameters to the GLOBAL scope. So if you run
myscript.php?myvar1=myval1&myvar2=myval2 |
you won't see neither $myvar1 nor $myvar2. If the setting is
on the variables will be added automatically and you will see them with their proper values. But the setting is
off by default.
On the other hand, it does not mean that you only have to set register_globals = on. Setting should be kept
off and php community adviced to keep it off because of security reasons. To access the parameters you have to use superglobal arrays such as $_GET[] and $_POST[], for example
http://www.php.net/register_globals for further details