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Failed to start debug session

Joined: 31 Oct 2012
Posts: 16
Location: Canada
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I'm trying to debug one of my project but keep receiving this message from phpEd and debugger session opens in Chrome, displaying the php file in plain text mode (not interpreted)???:
In fact In the Chrome address bar I see the location of the file on my computer (file:///C://server2go/htdocs/myproject/index.php?DBGSESSID=423816296276400024;d=1,p=0,c=1) instead of the usual localhost/myproject/index.php...

I've tried to run settings wizard, but every time it complete with success

Failed to start debug session.
Please make sure that debugger module is installed for locally running php

TIP: Please visit NuSphere site for further details on how to install debugger module.

I know that debugger is installed and working. When I close this project and open an other one, debugging session runs smoothly???
When I come back to this one, it fail to start again...

PhpED 16 on Win 7, and last version of Chrome

Does anybody have ever encounter this problem?
Its driving me nuts...

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looks like you have problems with you HTTP server or project properties.
If project settings wizard finished okay, debugger works fine -- just because project settings wizard _runs_ debugger at the last step.

The PHP IDE team
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Failed to start debug session
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